The Better Way of Loving

Do you remember who taught you how to tie your shoes?  Was it your mother or father, a sibling, or a friend?  A man by the name of Bob never learned to tie his shoes.  So, who taught you how to love people?  The sad thing is, in most families, no one ever sat us down and said, “Here are the fundamentals of how to love other people.”  So, like Bob, teaching himself to tie his shoes, we learned how to love people by watching, imitating, and experimenting.  For many of us, that method didn’t work.  As a result, we have hurt some people, and we have damaged relationships.  So, what is a better way of loving?

How did Jesus love people?  In the New Testament, there are three words for love.  One is “eros,” the second is “phileos,” and the third is “agape.”  You have probably heard these words before.  Eros asks the question: “What can I get out of this?”  Phileos is relational love.  It is a deeper kind of love.  It asks the question: “What can we get out of this?”  Agape is unconditional love.  It asks the question: “What can you get out of this?  So, Eros loves when; phileos loves because; but agape loves in spite of.  Agape stands on its own.  It is the better way of loving.

Better love thinks about others more than self.  Better love makes the first move.  Better love initiates a friendship rather than waiting for the other person to initiate.

A psychologist once asked a group of children about a better way of loving.  Chrissy, a six-year-old girl, said, “Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs!”  Nick, a six-year-old boy, said, “If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate!”  That’s pretty good advice because if you can learn to love a person you hate, then you know you’re not thinking “me” or “we” but “YOU!”  And you know you’re not waiting for them to start, but you are making the first move yourself.  You also know you’re taking a risk because they might reject you.

Our world needs a better way of loving.  Our spouses, our friends, and our neighbors need a better way of loving.  So, don’t “love when” or “love because,” but “love regardless of.”  None of us are going to become better at loving by accident.  It is unlikely that any of us will drift into becoming more loving people.  The drift in life is always in the direction of ease; it’s always toward getting the world to rotate more towards our agenda, not us towards others.

So, on this Valentine’s Day, may we all learn a better way of loving, as we recognize how we are loved by God.  “For God so loved (Agape) the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”  May we discover and live out this better way of loving!


Pastor Glen will conclude the sermon series on 1 John.  His sermon this Sunday is “Watch Out for Idols,” based on 1 John 5:18-21.  You are encouraged to read this text before worship.

Sunday Morning Bible Study Class

Our Adult Bible Study class will meet this Sunday at 9:15 a.m. in the large Sunday school room. Please join Lowell Gross and others for a wonderful time around God’s Word!!  We will focus on 2 Corinthians 3: “A Living Letter.”  Please bring your Bible.

Tithes & Offerings

An offering box is available when you enter or exit the sanctuary.  Additionally, Online Giving

Women’s Ministry New Bible Study

Alpha is Coming

We are excited to offer the Alpha Course!  Alpha helps create a space for honest conversation around some of life’s biggest questions. It provides an opportunity to share thoughts, ideas, and opinions in a safe and caring environment.  It is an 11-week course designed to explore the basics of the Christian faith through video presentations and small group discussions, covering topics like “Who is Jesus?”, Why and how should I pray?”, and “How does God guide us?” – all in a relaxed and open environment where participants will share their thoughts and questions without pressure.

We will gather each Tuesday, beginning on March 11th, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.  We will enjoy dinner together, watch a 40-minute video, and gather for small group discussions about the video.  The course will include a retreat, which we will talk more about in the context of the course.  A sign-up sheet is in the Welcome Center, and we hope you will sign up soon!

HCC Prayer Concerns and Praise Report

If you are not receiving the weekly HCC Prayer Concerns and Praise Report and would like to receive it, please send an email that contains your email address and cell phone (and/or home phone) number to Tim Stewart at

Pastor Search Committee Update & Prayer

Your Pastor Search Committee is in the process of finding our next lead pastor. They are reviewing some initial inquiries about the position and beginning the process of interviewing some selected applicants.    

We invite you to covenant to pray for the next pastor and specifically for the Pastor Search Committee, as they seek the Lord!  As the Lord directs, you may even wish to fast for a meal or a day or more.  Corporate prayer is so needed!  Join with other sisters and brothers if you can.

Session Highlights

Our Session met on Tuesday, January 21st at 5:00 p.m.  The following are some of the highlights:

  • Ruling Elder Don Coffey read his favorite New Testament passage in Mark 2:1-12 where four friends brought a paralytic man through the roof of a house . . . to the feet of Jesus!  Don then led the Session in prayer.
  • Reviewed plans for the Annual Congregational meeting
  • Received an update report on the website host search
  • Received status and update for the upcoming Alpha Course
  • On member suggestion, approved increasing the number of reserved handicapped parking to six
  • Authorized the Clerk to reach out for the possibility of having our main lot “micro-paved” as an alternative to more expensive actions
  • Agreed to find a way to have an alternate worship experience available to all when Hope is closed due to inclement weather
  • Formerly approved John Berry as Hope’s “Facilities Manager” with a church-issued DCCU credit card
  • Received a summary of the status of our Pastor Search Committee; Session committed to be in prayer and fast on January 28 regarding our search
  • Developed a connection with Johnson Landscaping for snow plowing/chemical treatment of our parking lot, Millers Supplies at Work ramps, and our “sidewalk.”

Budget Update

Total Tithes/Offerings for January:   $16,836.96    YTD: $16,836.96

Total Expenses for January:             $19,471.06    YTD:  $19,471.06

Golden Oldies

2025 will be a great year for those 70 or older as we meet the second Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. in the Panera Bread Community Room on the following dates:
March 12th – Steve Everidge of Shenandoah Tours will present a program of travels.
On August 20-21 – Golden Oldies will travel to Lancaster, PA, to see Noah and Then Sings My Soul.  Information on the trip and a sign-up sheet are available in the welcome center.

Mission Corner

ComfortCare Women’s Health

Pat Layne shared, “The ComfortCare Baby Bottles fundraiser
is continuing.  There are still baby bottles available for you to pick up on Sunday mornings or by calling Pat (540.942.2600).  Please put change, bills, or a check in the bottles and return them no later than Sunday, February 16th. If you write a check, please make it payable to ComfortCare.”

The Prayer Room is an outreach ministry in downtown Waynesboro, caring for people practically and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ!  We are collecting personal hygiene and wrapped food items to support this ministry.  Any donations can be brought to the church, and they will be given to the Prayer Room.

Love INC

We are collecting paper products (e.g., toilet paper, paper towels, and tissues but NOT paper paper napkins, as they have plenty) from January through March for Love INC. 

The Missions Team actively keeps in touch with our missionaries and other ministries.  Please keep updated!  You can visit our website and go to the Mission Page

February Birthdays

Harriet Wangler (2/16); Orville Bame (2/28)