
Most of us struggle with some temptation.  What is the area in your life that you are most tempted?  “The magazine Discipleship Journal asked its readers to rank the areas of greatest spiritual challenge to them.  The results came back in this order: (the top 5 were) 1. Materialism; 2. Pride; 3. Self-centeredness; 4. Laziness; 5. (Tie) Anger/Bitterness and Sexual lust.  The respondents also noted that temptations were more difficult when they had neglected their time with God (81%) and when they were physically tired (57%).”

An acronym I learned from a former discipleship partner was HALT = Hungry; Angry; Lonely; Tired.  When we are hungry, angry, lonely, and tired, we are more prone to give into our temptations!

The truth is that temptation is everywhere – especially in our culture today – with television, internet, and other media.  So, how do you handle temptations?  Do you struggle?  Is it possible to successfully resist temptation?  The Bible says yes!

We read in Matthew 4:1, “Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.”  The Evil One even tempted Jesus.  We read that after 40 days of fasting that Jesus was hungry.  How many of you have ever fasted for even a day or more?  Jesus had fasted for FORTY days; he was famished!!  In contrast, when Adam was tempted, he was in a lush garden with all the delicious food he could ever want.  So, the devil tells Jesus in effect, “if you are the Son of God why are you out here in the wilderness starving?  Self-gratification is common to every single one of us at the depth of our hearts.  Pastor David Platt suggests, “We are tempted to fulfill our wants apart from God’s will.”  So, do you desire food?  That is good.  And Satan takes that which is good, and he tempts you towards undisciplined overeating.  You desire sleep, and he tempts you toward apathy and laziness.  You desire sex, and he tempts you toward lust, pornography, adultery, or homosexuality.  You desire this or that, and he tempts you at the point of your desires to fulfill those God-given wants apart from God’s given Word.

So, how did Jesus resist temptation?  I’ll quote directly here from Russ Moore in his book, Tempted and Tried because I can’t improve on his words. “Jesus refused to exchange the end-time exaltation by the Father for a right-now exaltation of a snake.  Jesus, the beloved Son, knew the supreme duty of every single person on the planet is to worship God.  And He knew that everyone who humbles himself before the Lord will be exalted, so He chose to live a life of suffering obedience to the Father instead of sinful submission to Satan.  And in the end, all authority in heaven and earth were given to Him.”  He chose to trust God’s Word!  Will you?

Sunday Worship

Pastor Glen will continue the sermon series, Ephesians: Our Identity and Purpose!  His sermon this Sunday is “Tempted to Steal” based upon Ephesians 4:28.  Please read this text in preparation for worship.


Called Congregational Meeting

The Session has called a congregational meeting to consider a resolution regarding the purchase of the building and property we are now leasing.  The meeting will be immediately after worship THIS SUNDAY (August 28th).  PLEASE plan to attend!!  

Adult Sunday School

Our Adult Sunday school class will meet this Sunday immediately after the called congregational meeting in the large Sunday school room.  Please join Deborah Kleinschuster and others for a wonderful time around God’s Word!!  We will be studying Mark 10: Marriage, Riches, and Service!  Please bring your Bible!!

Exploring Hope Class

Exploring Hope is a great first step for learning more about who we are as a church family and what it means to have a relationship with Christ.

You will hear about Hope’s beliefs, history, mission, vision, as well as learn about ways you can get involved at a deeper level, including through church membership.  Our class continues this Sunday after the called congregational meeting.

Fall Church Picnic

Mark your calendars NOW for our Fall Church Picnic – September 11 at Lake Forest Lodge (AKA McGann’s Cabin) – 21 Page Hollow Lane, Lyndhurst, Virginia (2 miles past the Sherando Lake entrance).  You are invited to bring a side dish or a dessert to share, as well as lawn chairs.  The church is providing chicken.  Please sign-up on the sheet in our welcome center!

Fall Women’s Bible Study

Join other ladies for a journey through a Bible study on Gideon with Priscilla Shirer . . . a 7 week Bible study – September 27th through November 8th . . . Every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. in the Adult Sunday school room.  Please contact Marty Porter (540.471-2619) for more information.

Bless Every Home

Let’s ALL participate in blessing every home in our neighborhoods by intentional pray-care-share lifestyles!  PLEASE check out the website: www.blesseveryhome.com!


Tithes and Offerings

An offering box is available when you enter or exit the sanctuary.  Additionally, online giving opportunities are available on the website.

July Financial Report

Offerings: Monthly: $16,821.96      YTD: $116,288.57

Expenses: Monthly: $14,438.34     YTD: $106,870.95

We have also received monies designated for our capital campaign and building fund.  In July we received $2,930.84 for restricted giving and $2,215.00 in our capital campaign.

Amazon Smile

Support Hope Community Church by choosing us as your Amazon Smile charity. Simply login to Amazon. In the upper left corner, Click Amazon Smile. If you are supporting a charity already, you will see that name. Click the dropdown arrow. Click “Change Charity”. Search for “Hope Community Church Waynesboro”. Click and select.

Mission Corner

Tim Stewart shared this information from Chris Haynes:

“I’ve continued English lessons with my individual students from the spring semester.  These  classes are part of an outreach ministry of Nový život (“New Life” or Cru, also known as Campus Crusade for Christ) on the campus of the Prague Economic University (VŠE).  Two of my students, Honza (Czech) & Vlad (Russian) have been faithfully attending my Thursday Student Group Bible study.

Vlad has also gone to church with me a number of times. We’ve been reading Tim Keller’s “The Reason for God” together, and we’ve had some deep spiritual discussions. He really seems to have gone from being a cultural Christian to really understanding the gospel message. He has been deeply moved by the past couple chapters, especially. Pray that he will choose to accept Christ as his Lord and Savior.

Honza is actually working in Northern Virginia as a lifeguard for the summer to practice his English. He hopes to go visit Norfolk/Virginia Beach in September before he comes back to Prague. He has been writing to me about once a week from the U.S. and really misses our student group Bible study. Honza has grown up in a Protestant family here in the Czech Republic, but he has seemed to be a cultural Christian. Pray that he will come to an assurance of knowing Jesus as his Lord and Savior.”

Comfort Care

We have an opportunity to bless ComfortCare.  Now through Labor Day, consider bringing one or more of the following items to church to support their ministry.  We have a table in our welcome center to place your donations.
  • Cans of ginger ale
  • Small individual packs of pretzels and crackers  (or some kind of small salty snack for patients)
  • Small pieces of individually wrapped chocolates
  • K-cup iced tea & regular coffee (in small packages – we don’t go through Costco size quickly enough)

Missions Team is active keeping in touch with our missionaries and other ministries.  Please keep updated!  You can visit our website and go to the Outreach Page.

Bible Study Fellowship

Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) is an international Christian interdenominational fellowship of lay people offering a system of structured Bible Study. Its purpose is to magnify God and mature His people through in-depth Bible Study and, worldwide, over 400,000 people participate in BSF each year. It was founded in 1959 by Audrey Wetherell Johnson, a British evangelist to China.  BSF offers a distinct four-fold approach to in-depth Bible Study by incorporating the following:  1) Questions for personal study; 2) Small group discussion (in-person or Zoom); 3) Lecture; and 4) Lesson notes.  There is no cost or fee to participate in BSF.  The weekly lessons are free and can be downloaded online.  You can learn more about BSF on their website at  https://www.bsfinternational.org/  .
Tim Stewart reported: “I have participated in BSF for seven years both in Tennessee and in Virginia.   BSF offers in-person groups for men, women, and children in Staunton, Crozet, and Harrisonburg.  There are also Zoom group meetings available.  I have placed a spiral-bound copy of the BSF lessons for 2022-2023 on the Welcome Table in the church welcome center.  If you are interested or have questions, please contact me by phone or email.” — 865-386-6234  or   tim.stewart30@gmail.com.    Thank you.

Tuesday Prayer Meeting | Prairie Tabernacle Congregation

Prayer Meeting

Our Weekly Prayer meeting is held at our church facility each Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.  We invite you to join with us as we seek the Lord’s face!

August Birthdays

Dianne Stewart (8/31)