We read in Acts 4:13, “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.” What a wonderful compliment for people to recognize that we are like Jesus because we have been with Him!
When we lived in Kansas, we enjoyed getting pictures taken in sunflower fields. The Sunflower is probably one of the most amazing flowers God created. Sunflowers follow the sun. Watching one follow the sun is amazing. But watching hundreds in unison follow the sun is quite incredible to observe. Sunflowers continue tracking the sun’s direction long after sunset. They are always oriented in the direction of the sun. Their unity is dependent on one thing: their relationship to the sun.
Are we oriented toward the SON! When people see you (me), can they tell that we have been with Jesus? Can they tell we are oriented toward Jesus . . . can they tell we have been with Jesus?
The point is, if we’re going to be like Jesus, we will be bold witnesses who confront religious hypocrisy and false doctrine. We won’t be mean or rude. We will exhibit the fruit of the Spirit, including kindness and gentleness. But we will have spent enough time with Jesus to learn from Him the importance of speaking out when God’s truth is being compromised. We will fear God more than we fear what others think of us. That is my prayer for each of us!
Sunday Morning Bible Study Class
Our Adult Bible Study class will meet this Sunday at 9:15 a.m. in the large Sunday school room. Please join Lowell Gross and others for a wonderful time around God’s Word!! We will focus on 2 Corinthians: “2 Corinthians Introduction.” Please bring your Bible.
Tithes & Offerings
An offering box is available when you enter or exit the sanctuary. Additionally, Online Giving
Women’s Ministry New Bible Study
Annual Congregational Meeting
Our annual congregational meeting will be immediately after worship THIS SUNDAY (January 26th). We will review 2024 and learn more about plans for 2025, including a treasurer’s report and presentation of the church budget. We will get an update on the pastor search team process. We will also vote on the Terms of Call for Pastor Glen.
Pastor Search Committee Update & Prayer
Your Pastor Search Committee is in the process of finding our next lead pastor. They are reviewing some initial inquiries about the position and beginning the process of interviewing some selected applicants.
We invite you to covenant to pray for the next pastor and specifically for the Pastor Search Committee, as they seek the Lord! As the Lord directs, you may even wish to fast for a meal or a day or more. Corporate prayer is so needed! Join with other sisters and brothers if you can.
Session Highlights
Our Session met on Monday, December 16th at 6:00 p.m. The following are some of the highlights:
- Ruling Elder Bob Simmons read the Christmas story in the Gospel of Luke, followed by reflections and prayer.
- Members of our Diaconate (Kathy Doyle, Jerry Coffman, Roger Graham, and Rodger Daniels) attended part of the Session’s meeting on invitation to overview their startup status and re-affirm our excitement and commitment to their service at Hope CC. A letter to Hope members from them is forthcoming.
- The Deacons agreed to become the Ride’s coordinator; stay tuned for more information.
- The next “Exploring Hope Class” will be on January 19, 2025;
- The annual Congregational meeting is set for January 26, 2025, at 11:30 AM.
- Wonderful progress on the upgrade to our Welcome Center is so clearly noticed and deeply appreciated.
- Continued securing backup/”redundant” folks for key service positions at our church, with another such position being offered very soon.
- Will request Chris Haynes to offer his thoughts on our upcoming Alpha Course while he is in the USA.
- Critically discussed our website performance and sought to have issues resolved.
- Critically discussed “ChurchTrac” and access to the online directory.
- Agreed to request a cost quote to facilitate access to the kitchen from the “Ministry Room” (formerly the “Annex) and additionally provide an informal “gathering place.”
- Discussed the desire to routinely provide an attractive “order of worship” and notes space for each Sunday’s worship.
- Session acknowledged the receipt and distribution of our new hymnals (that morning!), a gift from a member of Hope!
Budget Update
Total Tithes/Offerings for December: $32,443.63 YTD: $315,055.27
Total Expenses for December: $25,282.84 YTD: $210,940.80
Golden Oldies
Opportunity to Help a Family
We are taking donations to help Cody Mundie in the loss of his grandmother. Victoria Smith died in the house fire on Guthrie Road in Stuarts Draft, on Thursday, January 10th. Cody is listed as her closest living relative and will be handling all of the affairs. Cody has done some trench work for Hope Community as well as snow removal. He spent 3 hours trying to cut through the thick ice in our parking lot the morning after this fire. Due to the complexity of this event, funds are locked. Cody has reported that his immediate need for financial assistance is feeding the horses on his grandmother’s property. I know he will incur a lot more expenses as time passes.
If you would like to contribute please make a check payable to Hope Community Church to be designated for Cody Mundie. All donations will go through HCC’s Caring and Compassion Fund.
Mission Corner
ComfortCare Women’s Health
The Prayer Room is an outreach ministry in downtown Waynesboro, caring for people practically and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ! We are collecting personal hygiene and wrapped food items to support this ministry. Any donations can be brought to the church, and they will be given to the Prayer Room.
Love INC
We are collecting paper products (e.g., toilet paper, paper towels, and tissues but NOT paper paper napkins, as they have plenty) from January through March for Love INC.
The Missions Team actively keeps in touch with our missionaries and other ministries. Please keep updated! You can visit our website and go to the Mission Page
January Birthdays
Janet Coiner (1/27); Don Morris (1/29)