An Apprentice

If someone were to ask you: “Where is your church?”  What would your answer be?  It’s where it’s always been – at 2910 West Main Street (across from Taco Bell)!  But, that’s the wrong answer.  Our church is at the NIBCO Plant in Stuarts Draft; our church is at a bridge game in the Pelham neighborhood; our church is at a State Farm Agency on Main Street.  So, the church is anywhere a Christian is.  On Sunday, we gather to worship and praise God; but as soon as worship ends the church hits the road!  We become ambassadors of Christ (cf. 2 Corinthians 5:2)!

Every Christian is a disciple.  Let me say a few words about what it means to be a disciple because at Hope Community Church, we want to be a community of Jesus’ disciples.  But the word disciple has been used a lot and sometimes misunderstood in the time between now and then.  Dallas Willard says, maybe the best way of translating the Greek word for disciple and understanding what it really means is: “Jesus is saying become my apprentice – because an apprentice is someone who wants to learn a craft and says to a master of that craft: I am willing to be with you to learn from you how to do what you do.”  Jesus says, now I’m taking apprentices.  And the craft that I have mastered is life.

But there is a cost to being a disciple.  We have to commit totally to our Master.  And, as disciples/apprentices of Jesus Christ, we must be totally committed to Jesus Christ.  This theme is something that the German theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer called “The Cost of Discipleship.”  Dietrich Bonhoeffer learned how steep the cost could be in a Nazi concentration camp where he forfeited his life.  The SS Doctor who witnessed his execution said, “I have hardly ever seen a man die so entirely submissive to the will of God.”  As disciples of Jesus Christ, we must be entirely submissive to God.  So, when you hit the road each day, look for ways to be true apprentices and ambassadors of Jesus . . . as part of the Church of Jesus Christ!  So, where is your church?

Sunday Worship

Pastor Glen will continue the sermon series, Ephesians: Our Identity and Purpose!  His sermon this Sunday is “My Heart – Christ’s Home” based upon Ephesians 3:14-17a.  Please read this text in preparation for worship . . . and, as I have shared, you can certainly read the whole letter!!

Adult Sunday school

Since the Women’s Luncheon is this Sunday, the Adult Sunday school class will NOT meet.  The class will resume the following Sunday (May 22nd)!

Tithes and Offerings

An offering box is available when you enter or exit the sanctuary.  Additionally, online giving opportunities are available on the website.

Amazon Smile

Support Hope Community Church by choosing us as your Amazon Smile charity. Simply login to Amazon. In the upper left corner, Click Amazon Smile. If you are supporting a charity already, you will see that name. Click the dropdown arrow. Click “Change Charity”. Search for “Hope Community Church Waynesboro”. Click and select.

Women’s Luncheon – THIS SUNDAY!

Saturate Augusta Prayer Meeting

ALL are invited to a prayer meeting next Thursday night, May 19th at 6:30 p.m.  The meeting will occur at our church facility!  This is an opportunity to intercede together for our county!

Mission Corner

Hands-on Serving Opportunity
Comfort Care has another hands-on opportunity for Hope Community Church.  On Thursday evening, May 19th, they need a few people to help clean the unpainted rooms. If you would like to participate in this opportunity, please contact Kim Holman know by Monday, May 9th. Thank you!

You can visit our website and go to the Outreach Page.

Tuesday Prayer Meeting | Prairie Tabernacle Congregation

Prayer Meeting

Our Weekly Prayer meeting is held at our church facility each Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.  We invite you to join with us as we seek the Lord’s face!

May Birthdays

Loretta Watkins (5/12); Charlotte Severs (5/15); Sherry Holder (5/20); Paul Childers (5/22); Larry Roberts (5/25)