Maximum Christians

While I have been away, I attended a midweek worship service with Kim’s parents on Wednesday.  The preacher shared how it is easy to become a “minimum Christian” in lieu of “maximum Christian”.  Minimum Christians do as little as possible in their walk with the Lord instead of making Him and His agenda their number ONE priority!  Maximum Christians put the things of God as a priority, and are obedient to what and how He calls us to live!

All of us who have trusted Jesus Christ as Savior know (at least intellectually) that it is foolish to live for the things of this world.  We know that these things never really satisfy our deepest desires.  They never do what they promise.  We know that we will not find true fulfillment apart from God. And yet it is so easy to focus on the things of this world instead of on the Lord!!

It is interesting that the people who were focusing more on the things of this world in Haggai 1 were the returned exiles, God’s people!  We read in Haggai 1:4, “Is it time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses, while this house lies in ruins?”  They had become focused on their own houses in lieu of God’s house!  These were not pagans; these were people who knew that while they had been in Babylon as exiles, their real purpose was back in the Promised Land.  These were believing Jews!

Many of the people who had returned from the exile had actually been born there.  They had grown accustomed to taking care of the practical details of life – building houses, raising families, doing an honest day’s work, and the like.

Does this sound familiar to the realities of your life?  Most of us can so easily get caught up with the realities of keeping up with life’s demands; taking care of our families, doing our jobs; paying the bills . . . losing sight of God!

Meanwhile, life moves on.  You start a career and a family.  You have responsibilities and other demands on your time.  You have to get to the grocery store; you have responsibilities at home . . . and then church and the Lord’s work drifts into the background.  You still attend church as often as you can, but it has become just one segment of your life . . . not the center.  You have drifted into being a minimum Christian.  You tell yourself that you just don’t have time to serve as you used to.  You make excuses!  Someone else who doesn’t have ALL the responsibilities that you have will have to get involved.  Without deliberately rebelling against God, you have drifted into putting your house above God’s house.  You have shifted your priorities, so that God really isn’t FIRST in your life!”  So, what needs to be first place in your life?  God and His house?  May we put God and His house as our  FIRST priority, and may we live as MAXIMUM Christians!!

Sunday Worship

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all our ladies!!  Glen will continue the sermon series, Ephesians: Our Identity and Purpose!  His sermon this Sunday is “God’s Purpose” based upon Ephesians 3:8-13.  Please read this text in preparation for worship . . . and, as I have shared, you can certainly read the whole letter!!

We will celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper this Sunday.  We encourage you to examine yourself before receiving the Sacrament per 1 Corinthians 11:27-32.

Adult Sunday school

Our Adult Sunday school class will meet this Sunday immediately after worship in the large Sunday school room.  Please join Janet Coiner and others for a wonderful time around God’s Word!!  We will study Matthew 23: Woes and Hypocrites!!  This will be a FUN study!!  Please bring your Bible!!

Tithes and Offerings

An offering box is available when you enter or exit the sanctuary.  Additionally, online giving opportunities are available on the website.

Amazon Smile

Support Hope Community Church by choosing us as your Amazon Smile charity. Simply login to Amazon. In the upper left corner, Click Amazon Smile. If you are supporting a charity already, you will see that name. Click the dropdown arrow. Click “Change Charity”. Search for “Hope Community Church Waynesboro”. Click and select.

Women’s Luncheon


Mission Corner

Hands-on Serving Opportunity
Comfort Care has another hands-on opportunity for Hope Community Church.  On Thursday evening, May 19th, they need a few people to help clean the unpainted rooms. If you would like to participate in this opportunity, please contact Kim Holman know by Monday, May 9th. Thank you!

You can visit our website and go to the Outreach Page.

Tuesday Prayer Meeting | Prairie Tabernacle Congregation

Prayer Meeting

Our Weekly Prayer meeting is held at our church facility each Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.  We invite you to join with us as we seek the Lord’s face!

May Birthdays

Tom Reider (5/2); Bill Flournoy (5/5); Deborah Kleinschuster (5/7); Loretta Watkins (5/12); Charlotte Severs (5/15); Sherry Holder (5/20); Paul Childers (5/22); Larry Roberts (5/25)