The Scenic Route

Have you taken a scenic route lately?  We have so many great places to see in our area!!  Scenic routes can be beautiful; but they often take longer than if we just punch in our destination on our GPS and ask the device to get us there.

It takes a little longer to get to Charlottesville on Rt. 250 (and, of course, now Rt. 250 is closed due to the rockslide) than if we get on I-64 and head east.  But, when Israel was making their trip through the wilderness, after leaving Egypt, it would have probably taken less than two weeks to go directly from Egypt to Canaan.  However, the “scenic route” God took the Israelites on took them FORTY YEARS!!

One thing we learn about God throughout the Bible is that He is not like so many Americans . . . He is not in a big hurry.  How many of us like to take short cuts?  How many Americans want instant gratification?  How many children want what their parents worked years for right NOW?  But God is not like that.   God takes His time.

For example, the Apostle Paul was converted in his early thirties, but then spent two or three years in Arabia (Galatians 1:17-18) and another six to eight years in Tarsus before he began his ministry.  Later, when Paul seemingly could have had the biggest impact for the gospel through his missionary efforts, God left him confined in Caesarea for two years because of a greedy governor who was hoping for a bribe (Acts 24:26-27).  Then, rather than being released, he was transferred to Rome, where he spent more time in confinement.

And, if you have read church history or missionary biographies, you know that the spread of the gospel has not always been quick.  Some missionaries have worked for years, sharing the gospel, with very few converts – if any!

The scenic route to fulfilling the Great Commission has taken much longer than if God had hired a project manager (like my wife, Kim) or a time management expert back in the first century!  Friends, the scenic route takes longer!  However, God sometimes has us on scenic routes to teach us or prepare us for where He wants to lead us.  May we trust the Lord, as we continue to follow Him on whatever route He takes us on!     

Sunday Worship

Elder Cliff Scott will be our speaker this Sunday in Glen’s absence.  His message is “Do You Trust God?” based upon Psalm 138:2.  Please read all of Psalm 138 in preparation for worship!

An offering plate is available when you enter the sanctuary. Additionally, online giving opportunities are available on the website.


We are pleased to offer a nursery for children through pre-school.  The nursery is in the Sunday school area, and there is a check-in area at the door of the nursery.

Exploring Hope Class

Mark your calendars now for our next Exploring Hope Class, which will be held on June 27th after worship at the church.  The class will include lunch and last for two hours.  It is a wonderful opportunity to explore our vision, beliefs, and values.  By attending this class you will be invited to become a member of our church!  If you are interested in being part of this class, please contact Richard Jessee, or (540) 221-4370 on Tuesday or Thursday mornings.

Wish List

We have several items we would like add to our church facility. If you are interested in helping with these items, any gift would be greatly appreciated!

A communion table; a baptismal font; a pulpit; a baby grand piano

Please contact Richard Jessee (our administrative assistant) by calling the church office on Tuesday or Thursday mornings if you can help with a donation: (540) 221-4370.

June Birthdays

Grace King (6/4); Emma Adams (6/5); Jennifer Lucas (6/16); Kim Holman (6/17); Paige Holder (6/24)