Stewards of God’s Gifts

In Jesus’s parable of the talents, he talks about a man going on a journey.  He entrusted to one servant five talents, to another servant two talents and to another servant one talent.  The one who received five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more.  The servant who had two talents also invested the talents and made two talents more.  But the servant who only received one talent “went and dug in the ground and hid his master’s money.”

We discover in this parable that the amount is not what is important.  God is just as concerned about the attitude of the believer making $12,000 a year as he is about the attitude of the believer making $120,000 a year.  The servant who was given five talents, and the servant given two talents were ultimately told, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”  God didn’t care about the amount.  But God did care about the attitude.

Many people say that they cannot give, because they don’t have enough.  They say things like, “God doesn’t expect me to give.”  But they don’t get it.  The amount they have isn’t important.  It is their faithfulness with the amount they do have.  If we are faithful with what we have (and it may be little or much), God will reward us on how we managed it – whether $120.00 a week or $12,000 a week.

Of the three servants only one wasn’t ultimately told “Well done” – the one who took what he had and hid it, held on to it, and didn’t pass it on.  (It was the servant who wasn’t faithful with the small amount that God had given him).  Some of us believe because we don’t have much that God doesn’t expect us to give and put Him first in every area of our lives.  May we NEVER have that thought!  The servant who ultimately got banished ONLY had one talent.  So, if we make $200 a week or $20,000 a week, God wants us to be responsible for it.  He wants us to use what He has given us to the best of our ability for His glory!!

Third Sunday of Advent

This Sunday is the Third Sunday of Advent.  Pastor Glen’s sermon will be “Generosity,” based on 2 Corinthians 9:6-15.  Please read this text in preparation for worship!


Anyone wishing to purchase a poinsettia to beautify our sanctuary during this Advent/Christmas season may purchase them for $9.  You may give them in honor of or in memory of someone.  Make checks payable to Hope Community Church and reference poinsettias in the “For” section of the check.

Tithes and Offerings

An offering box is available when you enter or exit the sanctuary.  Additionally, online giving opportunities are available on the website.

Women’s Luncheon

THIS Sunday will be our Women’s Luncheon (after worship): “Be the Hands of Many”!  (There will be NO adult Sunday school class this week).  Women will enjoy a wonderful dinner provided by the church, and Dr. Stephanie Black will be our guest speaker!



Tuesday Prayer Meeting | Prairie Tabernacle CongregationOur Weekly Prayer meeting will now be held at our church facility each Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.  We invite you to join with us in prayer as, together, we believe God for answers to prayer requests.


Contagious Disease Preparedness Plan

The Session recently adopted a Contagious Disease Preparedness Plan to support our church family, as well as our visitors.  We want to be supportive of our entire church family, as well as our community in this season of increased cases of COVID-19, including the new omicron variant.  The plan has been sent to our members for reflection and feedback and is available at the church.

“The number of New Cases of COVID for December 1 through December 7 increased from 176 to 310.  We will remain at Level 1 (masks optional).   

December Birthdays

Gail Fisher (12/14); Ron Layne (12/18); Kate King (12/21); Cliff Scott (12/28)