Set Free

Have you ever felt trapped by an old image or someone’s false opinion of you, or some addiction or lifestyle?  Is anything in your life holding you back?  Do you feel trapped, or in bondage to anything or anyone?  Perhaps you feel burdened by past or present sin in your life.

The great theologian of the Third Century, Augustine, was blessed with extraordinary intelligence, and yet in his younger years he had wallowed in deep depravity.  Looking back, Augustine gave this account of his struggle: “I was bound by the iron chain of my own will.  I was rather an unwilling sufferer than a willing actor.  And yet it was through me that habit had become an armed enemy against me, because I had willingly come to be what I unwillingly found myself to be.”

Many of us have gone through similar struggles.  We wanted deliverance from sin yet have found ourselves unable to shake off the chains of a habit.  But, perhaps, as we have turned in faith to Jesus, we were liberated and could repeat the words of Charles Wesley’s hymn: “Long my imprisoned spirit lay fast bound in sin and nature’s night.  Thine eye diffused a quickening ray, I woke – the dungeon flamed with light!  My chains fell off, my heart was free; I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.”  As Vernon Grounds suggests “Jesus alone can break the chains of sin in our lives.  As we read in John 8:32, when we receive Jesus Christ as our Savior, “the truth shall set us free.”

If you are struggling with a chain in your life, Jesus will set you free!!

Worship CDs

My Offering is a CD with beautiful piano hymns. This CD is available Sunday mornings and can be yours for a contribution to our building fund. We are grateful to Loretta Watkins for recording this music and making these CDs available

Baby Shower

Ladies, a baby girl is on the way, and we’re tickled pink. Won’t you join us to make her and mom’s day extra special? Join us Sunday, May 2nd, 2:00-3:30 at our church facility, as we join Sean and Alicia O’Ram welcoming a new little bundle of joy into their lives, due in the second half of June. They are registered at Target.  Let Janet Coiner, Annie Jessee, or Kim Holman know if you are interested in contributing to a group gift.

Wish List

We have several items we would like add to our church facility. If you are interested in helping with these items, any gift would be greatly appreciated!

A four-drawer filing cabinet; a communion table; a baptismal font; a pulpit

Please contact Richard Jessee (our administrative assistant) by calling the church office on Tuesday or Thursday mornings if you can help: (540) 221-4370.

Caring Calls

We care about you!!  If you have NOT been receiving caring calls from members of our team but would like to receive a call every two weeks, OR if you have been receiving caring calls but would prefer not to be included on our calling list, please contact Tim Stewart (  Thanks so much!

Sunday Worship

Pastor Glen will continue his series on The Chosen this Sunday.  His sermon will be, “The Sickest of the Sick,” based upon Mark 2:13-17.  Please read this text in preparation for worship!

The seating in our sanctuary is spaced to allow for social distancing.  Please bring and wear a mask while entering and moving about the building.  An offering plate is available when you enter the sanctuary. Additionally, online giving opportunities are available on the website.


We are pleased to offer a nursery for children through pre-school.  The nursery is in the Sunday school area, and there is a check-in area at the door of the nursery.