Rooted in Christ

Do you ever feel powerless in your walk with the Lord?  Much of the time we live powerless lives because we don’t focus on whose we are IN Christ and who we are because of Christ IN us.  We are like the man who took his new power chain saw back to the store saying that it didn’t work . . . he had been sawing his oak tree for hours and it was doing a lousy job.  The clerk took it outside, pulled the cord and fired up the saw.  The customer gasped, “What’s that noise?”  Don’t we try to live as Christians on our own power – in our own strength?

So how do we go about utilizing the power of God IN us and not be distracted by the hollow and deceptive philosophies of this world?  Paul has excellent advice found in Colossians 2:6-7.  Paul uses several word pictures of spiritual progress and power.

First, we are to be rooted.  Just as a tree is “rooted,” we are to be grounded in the soil of God’s Word.  The tense of the Greek word means, “once and for all having been rooted.”  Those who have received Jesus Christ are to be rooted in Him.  A tree puts down deep roots in order to find nutrition and to provide stability.  Likewise, we must go deep with Christ in order to find the fuel we need to flourish, and in order to withstand the storms of life.

Secondly, we are to be built up in Him.  Paul moves next to an architectural image to show that our foundation must be strong.  What happens when our lives are not built on a solid foundation?  They fall apart.  In biblical times, buildings were often made of cut rock.  By uniting two intersecting walls, a cornerstone helped align the whole structure and tie it together.  In the same way, as the chief cornerstone, Jesus holds everything together and provides alignment to our lives.

Thirdly, we are to be “established in the faith, just as you were taught.”  This is a legal image.  It is the legal status of being in Christ.  God looks at us not by our sin but by Christ’s righteousness.  So, we are to be students in God’s graduate school so that our faith can be established or strengthened.  That is precisely why we all need to be engaged in Bible studies, discipleship groups, and small groups, studying the dynamics of our faith, as well as for mutual encouragement and discipleship.  Since, by definition, a disciple must always be learning, make sure you are putting yourself in an environment where you can study and be strengthened on a regular basis.

Fourthly, if these first three images are true, then we will be like a pot overflowing on our stoves.  The phrase, “abounding in thanksgiving” is a culinary image.  As we receive instruction in biblical truth it should produce inner joy, constantly pouring out from us, bubbling over!  The more we understand God’s grace, the more gratitude we will have.  Pastor Kent Hughes writes, “A thankless spirit betrays a life which is no longer focusing on the greatness of Christ.”  If you don’t feel grateful today, it is probably because you have taken your eyes off of Jesus and put them on your problems.

Therefore, if we want our lives to be powerful, let us be rooted in Christ, built up in Him, established in the faith, and abounding in thanksgiving!

Worship CDs

My Offering is a CD with beautiful piano hymns. This CD is available Sunday mornings and can be yours for a contribution to our building fund. We are grateful to Loretta Watkins for recording this music and making these CDs available

Baby Shower

Ladies, a baby girl is on the way, and we’re tickled pink. Won’t you join us to make her and mom’s day extra special? Join us Sunday, May 2nd, 2:00-3:30 at our church facility, as we join Sean and Alicia O’Ram welcoming a new little bundle of joy into their lives, due in the second half of June. They are registered at Target.  Let Janet Coiner, Annie Jessee, or Kim Holman know if you are interested in contributing to a group gift.

File Cabinet

If anyone has a four-drawer filing cabinet you could donate to the church, please contact Richard Jessee (our administrative assistant) by calling the church office on Tuesday or Thursday mornings: (540) 221-4370.

Sunday Worship

Pastor Glen will continue his series on The Chosen this Sunday.  His sermon will be, “An Extraordinary Conversation,” based upon John 3:1-17.  Please read this text in preparation for worship!

The seating in our sanctuary is spaced to allow for social distancing.  Please bring and wear a mask while entering and moving about the building.  An offering plate is available when you enter the sanctuary. Additionally, online giving opportunities are available on the website.


We are pleased to offer a nursery for children through pre-school.  The nursery is in the Sunday school area, and there is a check-in area at the door of the nursery.

April Birthdays

Sarah Todd Severs (4/15); Wayne Mahanes (4/19); Roger Graham (4/20)