This Week at Hope

Caring for One Another

Caring for One Another

Can you imagine a church where people are suing one another in civil matters; attending parties where they are honoring false gods; involving themselves in gross immorality, and the church seemed to tolerate those kinds of relationships?  Their worship services are...

Seeking God

Seeking God

Do you honestly seek after God?  If we are honest with ourselves, most of us do not consistently seek God.  We must acknowledge that no one actually seeks God on their own.  Jesus declares in John 6:44, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. ...

Is Your Faith Futile?

Is Your Faith Futile?

The great affirmation of the Church through the centuries has been an affirmation reserved not just for Easter Day but to every time the people of God gather in worship.  The great affirmation is this: “Christ is risen!  Christ is risen, indeed!”  Friends, if the...

The Meaning of Salvation

The Meaning of Salvation

Did you ever wonder why God didn’t strike Adam and Eve dead on the spot after they ate from the forbidden tree?  While God graciously didn’t strike them dead the instant they ate from that forbidden tree, they did experience spiritual death (separation from God). ...

In the Grip of God

In the Grip of God

From the standpoint of eternity there are really only two kinds of people: the sheep of Jesus, and those who are not His sheep.  People are sheep because God acts.  God chooses them and transforms their hearts, which inclines them to love what Jesus loves.  You will...

From Where Does My Help Come?

From Where Does My Help Come?

One of my close friends has gone through significant challenges in his life.  His mother was killed tragically when he was a boy.  His twin brother (and only sibling) was killed in a car accident in his early 20s.  His dad gave him a hard time growing up, and he lived...

It All Belongs to God

It All Belongs to God

We read in Psalm 24:1: “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein . . .”  Everything that we think we own belongs to God.  Wait a minute . . . are you saying my car, my house, my computer, my clothes, my jewelry and my...

The Fight

The Fight

We read in 1 Timothy 1:18, “that by them (the prophecies made about Timothy) you may wage the good warfare.”  Friends, the fact is that ministry is NOT a walk in the park.  It is not always easy!  When we embark upon serving and ministering for the Lord, we will...

The Giver

The Giver

We read in Genesis 17:8: “The whole land of Canaan, where you are now an alien, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you.”  God had made a promise.  He had told Abraham that he and his descendants would receive the land of Canaan...

Be an Encourager!

Be an Encourager!

Are you an encourager?  We read in Acts 11:24 that “And a great many people were added to the Lord (or "brought to the Lord" in some versions).”  Why were people added to the Lord?  They were added to the Lord because Barnabas was an encourager!  People could see that...