This Week at Hope

I Am With You

I Am With You

Shortly after our family moved to Kansas, we decided to drive to the nearby town of Lyons to get dinner.  We did not realize that the recently fallen snow had a significant amount of ice underneath.  As we were just leaving town, we hit ice, and the car did at least...



Is waiting hard for you?  While waiting can be hard?  It can also be one of the most important elements in receiving new life.  When Kim first became pregnant, it seemed like nine months wasn’t very long.  But the closer she got to the delivery date, the more it...

God With Us

God With Us

We read in John 1:12-13, “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.” And, then we read those wonderful words in v...



HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!  The first Thanksgiving was observed in Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1621.  A plentiful fall harvest led the Pilgrims to give thanks with a feast that lasted for three days.  As we give thanks this year, may we pause to thank God for His MANY...

Courage to Share the Gospel

Courage to Share the Gospel

Are you courageous?  Peter and John demonstrated courage by acting in obedience to God.  In Acts 4:19, when they were challenged not to speak anymore about Jesus, they replied, “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God.”  Not...

Following Jesus

Following Jesus

The Christian life can be boiled down to this; it is a question of obedience to do what Jesus calls us to do.  We either live as followers of Jesus, or we don’t.  Frankly, doing what God calls us to do is a BIG problem for most of us. In Acts 9, Jesus tells Saul to go...

Our Attitudes

Our Attitudes

The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew's gospel begins with the disciples gathered at the feet of Jesus and with the crowds listening in.  He begins by pronouncing a certain kind of person fortunate.  We call these pronouncements “beatitudes” from the Latin word for...

The Ultimate Role Model

The Ultimate Role Model

Do you have a role model?  Perhaps a teacher, a coach, a parent, or a dear friend?  The Apostle Peter gives us the ultimate role model for enduring mistreatment – Jesus Christ.  We read in 1 Peter 2:21, “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered...

Hope in the Promises of God

Hope in the Promises of God

Our church’s name is Hope Community Church!  That is not an accident!  We are a people of hope.  John Piper stated, “Christian hope is a confidence that something will come to pass because God has promised it will come to pass.” So, hope should be OUR word!  As...

Singing with Joy

Singing with Joy

The Song of Moses recorded in Exodus 15 is the first recorded song in the Bible.  It was the Number 1 song on the charts!!  And, as we read the lyrics of the song, we sense the joy of the people!  “I will sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously; the horse...