This Week at Hope

Taking Up Residence

Taking Up Residence

There is an old story told of an ancient Christian monastery that had fallen on hard times.  Over the years, fewer and fewer men had come to enter the life of a monk, until now, only a handful of very old men inhabited the monastery, and it was in danger shortly of...

Our Times are in God’s Hands

Our Times are in God’s Hands

A recent study revealed that an average 70-year-old man has spent 24 years sleeping, 14 years working, 8 years in amusements, 6 years at the dinner table, 5 years in transportation, 4 years in conversation, 3 years in education, and 2 years in studying and reading....

Light in a Dark World

Light in a Dark World

Jesus declared in Matthew 5:16: “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”  The ones who have God’s gospel shining on them are going to reflect that light for others to see.  God desires...

Repent and Hold Fast

Repent and Hold Fast

A question is being asked of many Christians today . . . “Are you a tolerant Christian?”  But the danger in that question is that tolerant in our world today doesn’t mean just loving the person but hating the sin; it means do you “APPROVE” of a particular lifestyle,...

God’s Power to Transform

God’s Power to Transform

Never underestimate God’s power to transform sinners!  In the Gospel of Luke, we meet Levi, a tax collector.  You would never expect this greedy, hardhearted tax collector to become one of Jesus’s closest followers and eventually write the first Gospel?  Imagine what...

The Greatest Problem Facing People

The Greatest Problem Facing People

What do you think is the greatest problem facing people today?  I believe the greatest problem facing people is TEMPTATION!!  It isn’t famine or wars or natural disasters (like Hurricane Ian hitting Florida now – as bad as that is!!).  It isn’t our economic...

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit

Jesus told His disciples on the night of His betrayal that He was going away but would send His Holy Spirit to them.  We read in John 16:7, “Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come...

Changed by Grace

Changed by Grace

Has your life been changed because of God’s amazing grace?  I have seen countless people dramatically changed as a result of experiencing God’s grace. The Bible records the changed lives of the adulterous Samaritan woman, Zacchaeus, the Roman centurion at the...



Most of us struggle with some temptation.  What is the area in your life that you are most tempted?  “The magazine Discipleship Journal asked its readers to rank the areas of greatest spiritual challenge to them.  The results came back in this order: (the top 5 were)...

Setting Anger Aside

Setting Anger Aside

Do you ever have trouble with anger?  When someone has wronged you, do you struggle to forgive them?  In what is surely one of the most tender scenes in all of Scripture, Joseph “fell upon his brother Benjamin’s neck and wept . . . And he kissed all his brothers and...