No More

We read in Revelation 21:5, “Behold, I am making all things new.”  Earlier in v. 4 we read, “[God] will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”  I think some of the neatest words in the New Testament are “NO MORE!”

Think about the things in your life that you wish would be NO MORE.  God says that is where we are going in this movement of history.  God will bring a resolution to those former things that have bogged us down in this new order of life.  Jesus is going to work out all those unresolved issues in your life.  Perhaps you have unresolved problems in your life.  God wants to move into your life and bring about resolution.

When a production company was filming a documentary about Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, they were coming to the part where John Wilkes Booth had raised the gun and was aiming at President Lincoln’s head, and the director saw something he didn’t like and yelled out, “CUT!”  Now directors yell “cut” lots of times when they are making movies; but think about if that could have been true when John Wilkes Booth was about to shoot President Lincoln.  Think about how history may have been different.  You see, God is able to reverse all of the events in our lives and in history to bring new order to them.

There are two words in Greek for new.  The one word means “something that has occurred before, but it is a new experience of it.”  It is somewhat like what we did this past Sunday on Easter.  We had been to other Easter worship services before, but this was our new adaptation to this experience.

The other word for new is something that is “altogether NEW” – something that is brand new.  For example, when a potter creates a vase, and it is just taken out of the kiln.  It is brand new!!  There have been other vases made; but this one is brand new!  No one has ever seen this vase before!

That is what God wants to do in your life; he wants to make everything new.  The burdens of your life will be transformed – they will be completely new. things that used to tear your life apart will have new meaning.

When we make the decision to follow Jesus Christ and allow him to take up residence in our lives, those old, painful things will be NO MORE.  Isn’t that something to celebrate?

Worship CDs

My Offering is a CD with beautiful piano hymns. This CD is available Sunday mornings and can be yours for a contribution to our building fund. We are grateful to Loretta Watkins for recording this music and making these CDs available

Work Day

Our outdoor church workday is THIS SATURDAY (April 10th), beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at Noon.  Please come and enjoy the fellowship and time beautifying our church facility!  In case of inclement weather, we will send out an e-mail, and the rain date will be the following Saturday (April 17th).

Sunday Worship

Pastor Glen will continue his series on The Chosen this Sunday.  His sermon will be, “Brand New,” based upon 2 Corinthians 5:17-21.  Please read this text in preparation for worship!

We will expect individuals and families to follow appropriate social distancing guidelines.  We want to be respectful of our brothers and sisters.  You will need to bring and wear protective masks while entering and moving about the building.  We will not pass an offering plate (an offering plate will be available for your tithes and offerings).   Online giving opportunities are available on the website.

Children are welcome but families must sit together.


We are pleased to offer a nursery for children through pre-school.  The nursery is in the Sunday school area, and there is a check-in area at the door of the nursery.

April Birthdays

Shirley Wright (4/9); Chris Severs (4/9); Wink Brown (4/12); Katherine Galloway (4/12); Sarah Todd Severs (4/15); Wayne Mahanes (4/19); Roger Graham (4/20)