
We read in John 11:38-44 the incredible story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.  Imagine with me, a huge crowd witnessing this overwhelming miracle of the raising of Lazarus – curiosity seekers, mourners, bystanders – there they all are gathered, watching this amazing drama unfold before them.  Jesus calling into the empty tomb and Lazarus coming out.

There were many who believed in Him, but not all.  Not everyone was impressed.  We read in John 11:43, “When [Jesus] had said these things, he cried out with a loud voice, ‘Lazarus, come out’”  I think Jesus cried with a loud voice, not so that Lazarus the dead man would hear him; he would have heard a whisper from Heaven.  He cried with a loud voice in order that all the people standing around would not mistake that this was a miracle of God, that the claim that Jesus made to be the resurrection and the life could, in fact, be substantiated.  No, there was to be no mistaking this miracle.  Yet, amazingly, there were some who did not believe and some who became indifferent.

It was quite an amazing thing, isn’t it?  You can imagine some of the bystanders in conversation, “You know, life is so busy.  I have lots of other things to do.  I’m trying to carry on a career.  I have lots of personal pursuits.  Then there is the financial thing.  You know, I would have believed.  It’s just a commitment I can’t make . . .

I wonder if we have grown indifferent over the years.  There was a time when Jesus Christ was our chief motivation.  Our youthful zeal made life exhilarating in our walk with God.  But, over the years, with all the responsibilities that have loaded us down, that joyful commitment has ebbed in the midst of circumstances.  Some of us have become lukewarm in our faith!  Sometimes even sitting in the midst of the people of God, we feel that we are spiritually dead.  Yet here is a voice that wakens the dead.  It cries Lazarus, come forth!  A dead person steps out of the grave!!

It can happen again.  It can happen to you!  It can happen to a neighbor, or co-worker, or friend, or family member.  No one ever spoke like Jesus!  The voice of Jesus is still heard today, calling men and women (boys and girls) from living death to newness of life.

How then will we respond to Jesus Christ?  Will we be found with those who are indifferent?  Or, will ours be the response of total commitment that says, like Thomas, even if it means to death, we will go with him?  Let us go with Him wherever He leads us!

Sunday Worship

Pastor Glen is continuing his sermon series this Sunday focusing on the Seven Churches of Revelation.  This Sunday’s message is “A Church That is Lukewarm,” based upon Revelation 3:14-22 and the Church in Laodicea.  Please read this text in preparation for worship!

Tithes and Offerings

An offering plate is available when you enter the sanctuary.  Additionally, online giving opportunities are available on the website.


We are pleased to offer a nursery for children through pre-school.  The nursery is in the Sunday school area, and there is a check-in area at the door of the nursery.  We are very grateful for the ministry of Aileen Wright, our nursery attendant!!  Since our insurance policy has changed, all adults with our Children’s Ministry and Nursery are required to have COVID-19 vaccinations and wear approved face masks while working with children.

Men’s Bible Study

Our Men’s Bible Study will begin again next Tuesday, September 21st at Panera Bread in the Community Room.  We meet from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m.; however, men generally arrive early to purchase breakfast or a drink.  We will continue our study of the Letter to the Romans.  ALL MEN ARE WELCOME!!

Fan the Flame!!

We are the light of the world. (Matthew 5:14)

It’s time to Fan the Flame!  Your Session is hard at work creating a Master Plan for Hope Community Church. WE NEED YOU! Look for opportunities to serve coming October 10th after worship.

OUR VISION: To see Jesus Christ become the hub of every home in our community and beyond.  It is a big vision, but we serve a BIG God.  We believe that God will greatly use our efforts for His glory. And it all starts with prayer.

We don’t want to even attempt to see Jesus Christ become the hub of every home without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.  And that’s why we begin with prayer.

Pray & Go is an opportunity for members of our church to walk and pray for the people in the homes (at first) in the Pelham neighborhood, as that is the neighborhood where our church is located.

As we pray for the people in the homes, we will leave a door hanger with information about our church, including an opportunity for people to respond by an email if they would like for us to pray specifically about an issue in their life.

We will NOT knock on doors or ring doorbells.  We will simply walk in pairs, PRAY and share the door hangers.  The most important thing we can do to reach our community for Jesus Christ is to pray for the people in our community.  Join us in participating in this exciting ministry!!  If you have not done so already, please sign up to participate in this ministry!  Bob Simmons is our coordinator!  Let’s attempt GREAT things for God!

The Session has launched a capital campaign to provide for both additional costs of renting our facility and saving to purchase our facility.  We covet your prayers as we continue to provide needed ministry to our members, those in the Waynesboro community, and beyond.

Join us in praying that God will guide us as we take next steps into the future with anticipation of the many ways He will use us to be an ongoing blessing in our community and beyond.  A Session member will contact you in the near future to participate in this campaign. God will pour out His blessings as we respond to His grace and goodness!

Outdoor Worship Service and Church Picnic

Mark your calendars for our All-Church Worship Service and Picnic September 26th!  We will meet at Lake Forest Lodge (21 Page Hollow Lane – 2 miles past the Sherando Lake Entrance).  We will begin at 10:30 a.m. for worship followed by the picnic lunch.    The church will provide meat and drinks.  Please bring side dishes and desserts to share, as well as lawn chairs!

Senior Choir – An Invitation from Harold Coiner

As you know, COVID-19 has interrupted human activity, not just here but worldwide.  Things seem to slowly be getting back to “normal”.

I have been toying with the idea of starting a senior choir.  Senior choir does not mean silver hair or NO hair, just folks who enjoy singing.  Right now everything is in the planning stage and nothing is set in stone.  Rehearsal would be once per month, along with singing once per month, unless a special occasion arises.  The idea is to sing old songs not used much any more.

I will be glad to listen to suggestions, music selections, time of rehearsals, or personal requests, and the like.  After Labor Day would be a good time to start; however, this new variant of COVID may put this idea on hold.  Please share with me your interest or suggestions at (540) 447-0434 or  Thanks so much!

Contagious Disease Preparedness Plan

The Session recently adopted a Contagious Disease Preparedness Plan to support our church family, as well as our visitors.  We want to be supportive of our entire church family, as well as our community in this season of increased cases of COVID-19, including the delta variant.  The plan has been sent to our members for reflection and feedback and is available at the church.

“Due to a sharp increase in New Cases of COVID in our area, Session has recommended moving from Level 1 (masks optional) to Level 2 (masks encouraged but not required) in order to fulfill our documentation to our church insurance company.” 

September Birthdays

Kerry Keyes (9/16); Dede Hamilton & Marje Sass (9/26)