Hearing God’s Voice

God makes Himself known in a variety of ways throughout the Bible.  The two disciples traveling to Emmaus after the resurrection, whom we read about in Luke 24, are walking along and Jesus draws near to them and walks with them; but their eyes are kept from recognizing him.  They are walking with the Resurrected Lord; they are talking with Him, but because of their state of mind (probably feeling dejected, scared, uncertain), they do not recognize him until he breaks bread, blesses it, and gives it to them.  It is only then that their eyes are opened and they finally recognize Him!  In Luke 24:32, the two disciples say to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road!”

Friends, we can become so distracted, so focused on the things of this world (our families, jobs, fears, disappointments) that we do not recognize God’s voice – we do not recognize His whisper when God wants to speak to us.  We hear God’s voice distinctly in the Bible.  And, when we hear God’s whisper it will never contradict the clear teaching in His Word!  Sometimes we will hear someone say, the Lord told me . . . I would suggest that we be wary of those who make that claim.  But God is speaking to us, and we need to be attentive and discerning.

May we like the two disciples who were walking with Jesus, have our eyes opened and be able to hear God’s still, small voice in His Word and by His Spirit, as He makes Himself known to us!  


Pastor Glen will resume the study of the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippians.  His sermon on this first Sunday after Easter is: “Think About These Things,” based on Philippians 4:8-9.  Please read this text in preparation for worship!

We will celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper this Sunday.  We encourage you to examine yourself before receiving the Sacrament per 1 Corinthians 11:27-32.

Adult Sunday School

Our Adult Sunday school class will meet this Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the large Sunday school room.  Please join Janet Coiner and others for a wonderful time around God’s Word!!  We will continue our study of the Acts of the Apostles.  This Sunday we will focus on Acts 23: Paul before the Sanhedrin!!  Please bring your Bible.

Men’s Bible Study

Our Men’s Bible Study meets every Tuesday from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. in the Community Room at Panera Bread.  We are currently driving down Rt. 66, exploring the 66 books of the Bible.  Next Tuesday we will further explore Revelation.  All men are invited and encouraged to join us!!

Exploring Hope Class

Come to our next Exploring Hope Class!  Exploring Hope is a gathering designed to communicate a brief overview of what is important to us here at Hope, including our history, what we believe, our values, our focus, our direction, and how to get connected.  Our next Exploring Hope Class will be on Sunday, April 21st, after worship.  The two-hour class will include lunch in our main Sunday school room.  If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Pastor Glen.  If you plan to attend, please complete the sign-up sheet in the Welcome Center!

Thank You!!

We are grateful for all who glorified God with beautiful lilies on Easter Day!

Jake & Deborah Kleinschuster – Given for the Glory of God 

Ted & Candi Brown – Gratitude for your work 

Russell & Gail Fisher – Gratitude for your contributions 

Cliff & Lynn Scott – Gratitude for scripture & singing 

Teresa Marshall – Gratitude for scripture 

Marcella Walters – Gratitude for faithfulness 

Tim & Dianne Stewart – Gratitude for faith & prayer letter 

Lowell & Nina Gross – Gratitude for teaching & music 

Janet & Harold Coiner – Gratitude for teaching & prayers 

Orville & Laurie Bame – Gratitude for worship 

Mariah Shoop – Gratitude for love 

Beth & Kerri Keyes – Gratitude for love 

Given to the glory of God in memory/honor of . . . 

Parents & Our Children by Marvin & Dottie Dollins

Dr. Ed & Evelyn Watkins by Bill & Loretta Watkins

Henry & Dorothy Shelton by Loretta Watkins

Our Daughter, Katherine Guthrie by John & Susan Guthrie 

Our Parents by Tom & Alice Reider 

Our parents & our family by Maryellen and Phil Lemons 

My Parents, Eugene & Frances Mooney by Barbara Mooney Blevins 

Parents by Pat & Ron Layne 

Parents by Arnie & Cathy Doyle 

Grandparents by Bobby Batitto 

Petie Eavers & H. S. Meeteer by Candi Brown 

Friends & Family by Debby Ray 

My Parents, Vernie & Davis Anges by Debbie Anges 

My Father, Owen Harner by Susan & Jerry Coffman 

Our parents, Fred & June Severs and Alvis & Esther Lewis by John & Sarah Severs 

Paul Ribet by Peggy Ribet 

Our Children by Glen & Kim Holman  

Tithes and Offerings

An offering box is available when you enter or exit the sanctuary.  Additionally, Online Giving

Golden Oldies

The next gatherings of the Golden Oldies will be . . .
April 10 at 11:30 am.  Dutch treat luncheon will be held at Sooner BBQ, Stuarts Draft.
May 8 at 10:30, meet at Panera Community Room with our speaker, Richard Ammons.
June 12 at 10:30, meet at Panera Community Room to play Bingo!  We request for everyone to bring a wrapped gift so all can be winners!  $10 max amount of gift.

Prayer Concerns and Praise Reports

  • Until someone in the congregation volunteers to be the Coordinator of the Prayer Requests and Praise Report, HCC requests that all individual prayer requests, praises, and updates be emailed to our church administration email address at admin@hopechurchwaynesboro.org  to be included on the weekly report.
  • We will make every effort to share all requests for prayers with the understanding that the requests need to be current and active as well. 
  • Each prayer request will be listed for four weeks unless we receive a request or update to keep a specific prayer request on the report.  
  • At the end of four weeks, prayer requests that have not been updated will be moved to “Request For Continuing Prayers” which will show a listing of names only.  Thank you to everyone for the many ways in which your prayers uphold those on the prayer list.

Driver Assistance

If you or someone in our congregation needs a ride to a doctor’s appointment or other appointments, please call Tom Reider (540.649.5162).  He has agreed to coordinate rides.  He has a list of those who have volunteered to give those rides.  We are grateful for this important ministry!!

Mission Corner

If you are interested in supporting the ministry of Young Life, they will be selling and delivering mulch.  You may order mulch until April 10th.  They are also sponsoring a talent show on April 23rd at Tabernacle Presbyterian Church to support Capernaum students (those with special needs).  \

Our next mission team meeting will be Wednesday, May 1, 6:00-7:00 p.m. for those interested in participating.

The Missions Team is active keeping in touch with our missionaries and other ministries.  Please keep updated!  You can visit our website and go to the  Outreach page

April Birthdays

Wink Brown (4/12); Sarah Todd Severs (4/15); Wayne Mahanes (4/19); Roger Graham (4/20)