God’s Plan A

There is an interesting trend among many church-attenders, especially since COVID but really beginning before the pandemic.  According to Dr. Thom Rainer of Church Answers, it is “The Quarter-Time Church Member”.  As Dr. Rainer suggests, “Over one-half of church members attend one out of four weeks or less.”  He goes on to say, “I am convinced that the decreasing commitment of church members to their local churches is one of the greatest problems in our culture today.”

One of the statements in our church’s membership covenant is: “I promise to be faithful to my sisters and brothers in Christ, to not forsake the assembling together, nor neglect praying for ourselves and others.”

Dr. Rainer shares five key developments:

  1. We fail to see that the local church is God’s Plan A to do his mission on earth, and that he has no Plan B. As we discovered in our recent study of the seven churches addressed by Jesus in Revelation 2-3 it is all about the local church.  “It is clear that God means for local congregations to be the focus of his ministry.  When we minimize the local church, we minimize the work of God.”
  2. We embrace the false notion that commitment to a local church is legalistic. Rainer states, “I would rather see my children and grandchildren see me at the church when the doors are open rather than treat my local congregation like a part-time civic club.”
  3. We have let culture dictate our schedules. “If Christians would stop letting their kids play Sunday-morning sports, the leagues would soon get the message.  Instead, on this matter and others, we let culture tell us what’s really important.  In doing so, we are communicating to our children what is and what is not important.”
  4. We have accepted strawman arguments about gathering at our local church. “Have you ever heard either of these two comments? ‘The Church is not the building; it’s the people.’  Or, ‘The Church is about sending not attending.’  Both of those comments are often used to suggest that the gathering of church members each week is not important.  Tell that to the writer of Hebrews who said, ‘And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near’ (Hebrews 10:25).
  5. We see church as a place to be served rather than to serve. “Have you ever heard church members argue about their preferences?  You probably think that’s a rhetorical question.  Sure, you’ve heard it.  Preferences about the style of music in worship.  About the order of worship.  About the color of the carpet.  About the time of the service.  The list could continue.  If church membership is about getting perks like a country club membership, commitment to the congregation will inevitably wane.”  

As Dr. Rainer goes on to suggest, these five key developments could be the reason many churches are experiencing more “quarter-time” church members.  Perhaps many people in the church are not committed.

Many people in our own Waynesboro community may say they are a member of a specific church, but the number of people who are fully committed to Jesus and the local church is dwindling, even in our own area!!  Now, I know people get sick, people travel, and people attend their grandchildren’s soccer games; however, it is my prayer that we as a part of the Church of Jesus Christ here in Waynesboro will be FULLY committed to making a difference for Jesus and His Kingdom . . . through our local body of believers.

May we be a church that worships together each week, praying for one another, and working together with the guidance of the Holy Spirit in order to make an impact for Jesus and His Kingdom!  Let’s not forget God’s Plan A!

Sunday Worship

This Sunday, Pastor Glen will continue his Ephesians series: Ephesians: Our Identity and Purpose.  His sermon is entitled, “God’s Plan,” based upon Ephesians 1:8b-10.  Please read this verse in context in preparation for worship!  Don’t forget that Daylight Savings Time ends THIS Sunday at 2:00 a.m., so don’t forget to set your clocks back!!

We will also celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.  We encourage you to examine yourself before receiving the Sacrament per 1 Corinthians 11:27-32.

Tithes and Offerings

An offering box is available when you enter the sanctuary.  Additionally, online giving opportunities are available on the website.

Hope Adult Sunday School Class Beginning THIS Sunday!

The Gospel of Matthew: This Sunday, November 7th – Matthew 1:18-25 – An Angel Appears to Joseph

ALL are welcome to join Janet Coiner for Sunday School immediately after worship in the large Sunday school room.  And, PLEASE bring your Bible!

Salt Shakers is COMING!!

Would you like to get to know people at HCC more than just on Sunday mornings?

Salt Shakers is for you!  Each group will consist of 6-10 people (target is 8 people per group).  Groups will meet at least 3 times between January and June for dinner.  Usually, the host will prepare the entrée and others will bring things to supplement.  The evenings are always filled with fun and laughter!

If you are interested, sign up in the Welcome Center by November 28th.  Groups will be formed the first week in December so you can plan when to meet in January. Questions? Ask Kim Holman.



Tuesday Prayer Meeting | Prairie Tabernacle CongregationOur Weekly Prayer meeting will now be held at our church facility each Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.  We invite you to join with us in prayer as, together, we believe God for answers to these prayer requests.



We will gather at Cornerstone of Augusta on Tinkling Spring Road in Fishersville at 3:00 on November 7th. (That’s the day the clocks change.)  This year we will have reports via Zoom from those actually suffering: One in Malaysia, one from the Ivory Coast and one from Afghanistan.  It should be very relevant and informative. And we will PRAY!


Senior Choir – An Invitation from Harold Coiner

Rehearsals will be the second Sunday of each month, beginning at 2:00 p.m.  The first rehearsal will be NOVEMBER 14th.  We will sing old songs not used as often anymore.

I will be glad to listen to suggestions, music selections, or personal requests, and the like.  Please share with me your interest or suggestions at (540) 447-0434 or buckomh@aol.com.  Thanks so much!

Congregational Missions Ministry Interest Level

The Interest Level sheet will be distributed at worship this Sunday along with details about each ministry on the sheet.  If you are not able to be present this Sunday, the information can be emailed to you.

Contagious Disease Preparedness Plan

The Session recently adopted a Contagious Disease Preparedness Plan to support our church family, as well as our visitors.  We want to be supportive of our entire church family, as well as our community in this season of increased cases of COVID-19, including the delta variant.  The plan has been sent to our members for reflection and feedback and is available at the church.

“Since the number of New Cases of COVID for October 27 through November 2 decreased from 237 to 132, we are still at Level 1 (masks optional).   

November Birthdays

Joan Hughes (11/6); Tiffany Severs (11/7); Cindy Roberts (11/16); Kathy Doyle (11/17)