A Pillar and Buttress of the Truth

Mary Lefkowitz, a professor emerita of classical studies at Wellesley College, wrote in a New York Times Book Review several years ago: “The notion that there are many truths might seem well suited to a diverse society.  But when everyone is free to define truth as he...

The Narrow Gate

We read in Matthew 7:13, “Enter by the narrow gate.  For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.”  In Jesus’ day, fortified cities had limited access.  Many of the passages into the city were barely large...

Abiding in Jesus

Jesus declares in John 15:4, “Abide (or remain) in me, and I in you.”  Abide is a beautiful word.  It is a vital condition of fruitfulness.  We can never bear fruit or become like Christ unless we abide in the Vine.  This command to abide or remain in Christ comes to...
God Sees Potential in You!

God Sees Potential in You!

Are you aware that God sees positive potential in YOU?  The Angel of the Lord addresses Gideon in Judges 6:12, “The Lord is with you, O mighty man of valor.”  The angel of the Lord didn’t see Gideon in his present situation.  The angel of the Lord saw what Gideon...
Are You a Life-Giver?

Are You a Life-Giver?

Have you ever responded to a situation instantaneously?  There is built into each of us the capacity to respond instantaneously.  Now, sometimes we make good choices and sometimes we make bad choices.  One time I made an instantaneous decision to swerve and miss a...
A Glimpse of Humility

A Glimpse of Humility

Do you ever get so overly busy that you lose sight of what is of supreme importance?  How easy it is for us to become so arrogant that we actually think we know what is best for us.  The opposite of this arrogant, prideful attitude is humility, which is perfectly...