Grace Alone

Grace Alone

The Apostle Paul declared in Ephesians 2:8, “For by GRACE you have been saved.”  This means that we did NOTHING to earn or deserve our salvation.  A more literal rendering of this phrase “for by grace” is “by the grace”.  “For” is a term of explanation, which always...


I pride myself on having a good memory of dates and numbers.  I can tell you the dates of all of my family’s birthdays and anniversaries.  I can remember the dates members of my family have died, and many other significant dates.  Memories are important.  What are...
Following the Light

Following the Light

Did you ever wonder why people reject Jesus?  The foundational reason people reject Jesus is that they are in spiritual darkness.  As Jesus is in conversation with Nicodemus, as recorded in John’s gospel, he declares in John 3:19, “And this is the judgment: the light...
What Really Matters?

What Really Matters?

We begin a new series this week on 1 John.  John, the apostle, devoted his life to telling others about God’s love.  He did that for 40 to 60 years.  Finally, at age 65 or 75 years old, John wrote to a group of people that mattered deeply to him.  In this little...
We Need One Another

We Need One Another

It has been said that the church is like a family.  I’ve always wondered about this because some of the families I know don’t function all that well. We read in Acts 2:42, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship . . .”  The Greek word...
Stand Up for Jesus!

Stand Up for Jesus!

Christians all around the world are being threatened or persecuted for their faith.  We are beginning to see Christians being marginalized for their faith even in our own country – some are being called intolerant, while others are being labeled as hate-mongers! At...