Be an Encourager!

Are you an encourager?  We read in Acts 11:24 that “And a great many people were added to the Lord (or “brought to the Lord” in some versions).”  Why were people added to the Lord?  They were added to the Lord because Barnabas was an encourager!  People could see that Barnabas was a good man who was full of the Holy Spirit.  There was something unique about Barnabas.  He was overflowing with the goodness of God.  People could see Christ in him.  What do people see in you?

Sue Kidd in her book, Where the Heart Waits, tells about the time her little girl got a part in the Christmas play.  She was the Star of Bethlehem.  After her first rehearsal, the little girl came running through the door with her costume.

It was a big, shiny, golden star, which hung over her shoulders.  Her mom asked her, “What exactly will you be doing in the play?”  And her daughter answered, “I just stand there and shine.”  Friends, that is what we need to do.  In a cold and gloomy world, we need to show other people that there is a better way.  We need to shine for Jesus!  Are you shining?

But frankly that is not enough.  Barnabas also had to share the good news about Jesus.  We read also in verse 24 that Barnabas was “full of the Holy Spirit and of faith.”  Barnabas trusted Jesus Christ.  He believed the Good News.  He was full of faith.  And that faith couldn’t help but overflow.  So, Barnabas shared the truth.  He told people about the cross . . . How Jesus died on the Cross for our sins; How He rose from the dead; How He redeems all who trust in Him; and how Jesus is Lord of all.

Barnabas did all he could to share Jesus, and so should we!  But here is the amazing truth: Just a few words of encouragement from you may help someone go to heaven.  Tell someone what Jesus means to you.  Invite them to church.  Perform an act of random kindness, and tell them it’s just a small way to say that God loves them.  There are many ways to share the Good News about Jesus.  And being an encourager, like Barnabas, can help lead more people to the Lord.  So, are you an encourager?

Sunday Worship

In Pastor Glen’s absence this Sunday, Wills Kitchen, one of our new directors of Family Ministry, will be preaching.  Wills’ sermon is entitled, “Fathers of Submissive Children,” based on Ephesians 6:4.  Please read this text in preparation for worship.

Sunday School

During Adult Sunday school class this Sunday, we will have the opportunity to learn more about the ministry of one of our own members, Chris Haynes, who is serving as a missionary with Presbyterian-Reformed Ministries International in Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic.  Janet Coiner one of our Sunday school leaders will share a short devotion and prayer before Chris gives us an update of his ministry, as well as provide a Q & A time.

Tithes and Offerings

An offering box is available when you enter or exit the sanctuary.  Additionally, online giving opportunities are available on the website.

Women’s Bible Study

We are excited to announce our next women’s Bible Study!  We will be studying Elijah, utilizing Priscilla Shirer’s wonderful study “Faith and Fire”!  We will begin the study on Tuesday, February 7th and continue each Tuesday through March 21st.  There will be two options for participating in the study: Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. and Tuesdays 6:30 p.m.  Ladies, we look forward to your participation!!

Hope Navigators

Hope Navigators is coming . . . As Wills & Sarah Kitchen stated in a recent Facebook ad, “Hope Navigators is the portion of our Family Ministry program designed specifically for your kids! We exist to see the youngest among us brought to faith in Jesus and discipled in His ways!”

In order for this ministry to be a success, we need multiple people to serve.  Some help will be directly serving with children, while some of the needs require support with prep work and decorations.  Here is a list Sarah provided for specific helpers!  Please pray about your role in making Hope Navigators a genuine blessing to young families with children!!

Nursery: 1 leader, 2 helpers
Pre-K: 1 leader, 1 helper
Elementary K-5th: 2 leaders, 2 helpers
Sign in/Greeters: 1-2 person
Monthly Numbers
Nursery: 4 leader, 8 helpers
Pre-K: 4 leaders, 4 helpers
Elementary K-5th: 8 leaders, 8 helpers
Sign in/Greeters: 4-8 people
Extra jobs 1x/month: Each job would work on a rotation of every 2-3 months depending on the amount of people that sign up
Prep Team (monthly job): Team consists of 2-3 people
Decorators (monthly job): team of 2-3 people
Snack Coordinator (monthly job, rotate every 2-3 months): 1
Total number of Ideal teams per year
Prep Team: 3 teams (total of 9 people)
Decorators 2-3 teams (total of 6-9 people)
Snack Coordinator: total of 3 people

Prayer Concerns and Praise Reports

If you have any concerns you would like to add to the Prayer Concerns and Praise Reports list or give an update, PLEASE contact our prayer coordinator, Janet Coiner (540.447.0918) by THURSDAY at NOON!!  Thanks so much!!

Combined Worship and Luncheon with Lebanon Evangelical Presbyterian Church

We will be hosting our sister congregation across the mountain on February 19th.  They will join us for worship, and our hospitality team is coordinating a meal after worship.  Ladies and/or gentlemen are encouraged to bring a dessert.  There is a sign-up sheet on the Welcome Table.    

On March 19th the Lebanon Church will host our congregation for worship and a fellowship meal! Please mark your calendars now for these wonderful times of worship and fellowship.

Mission Corner

Chris Haynes will be with us THIS Sunday (See Above)!!

Baby Bottles to support the ministry of ComfortCare Women’s Health has begun.  Baby bottles are available to pick up and fill with extra change or any other donations throughout the next month.  The baby bottles need to be returned by February 19th.    

Missions Team is active keeping in touch with our missionaries and other ministries.  Please keep updated!  You can visit our website and go to the Outreach page

December Financial Report

Offerings: Monthly: $15,141          YTD: $185,266.50

Expenses: Monthly: $20,983.26   YTD: $188,826.61

We have also received monies designated for our capital campaign and restricted giving.  In December we received $12,140 for our capital campaign.

January Birthdays

Janet Coiner (1/27)