This Week at Hope

Assurance of Salvation

Assurance of Salvation

Are you sure of your salvation?  If we want to be sure of our salvation, we must trust in God’s work of salvation in us.  One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Philippians 1:6.  I often write this verse on birthday cards – “. . . And I am sure of this, that he who...

Thinking of Ourselves Less

Thinking of Ourselves Less

What does it mean to be “great?”  I want to suggest that genuine greatness is defined by humility!  Jesus declared in Matthew 18:4, “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”  If you are saved, you have come to the place where...

Are You a Life-Giver?

Are You a Life-Giver?

Have you ever responded to a situation instantaneously?  There is built into each of us the capacity to respond instantaneously.  Now, sometimes we make good choices and sometimes we make bad choices.  One time I made an instantaneous decision to swerve and miss a...

Feeling Stressed . . . Sing!

Feeling Stressed . . . Sing!

When was the last time you felt stressed?  Amid those times, feeling stressed, there is one thing that will determine the course of your life: your priorities.  Everyone has a set of priorities.  If your priorities are not clearly defined, you will be swept away in...

Broken Cisterns

Broken Cisterns

Water is an essential ingredient in life.  People can only live without water for 8 to 14 days.  We must have a source of clean water.  In Bible days the best source of water was a fountain flowing with fresh living water.  God was likened to this best source of water...

Who is the Umpire of Your Life

Maybe you know the story about a famous American League baseball umpire of the 1930s and 40s.  His name was Bill Klem.  He was known for having one of the loudest voices in the entire league.  He could be heard without a microphone all over ballparks.  One day he was...

Salvation is God’s Work

Salvation, from start to finish, is God’s work.  We read in Philippians 2:12, “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.”  The reason the...

Filled with the Knowledge of God’s Will

The Apostle Paul stated in Colossians 1:9, “And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.” Paul desired for us to be filled with the knowledge...

God’s Perfect Peace

We live in anxious days!  Around the globe, we are made anxious by ongoing violence in the wake of wars in Israel and Ukraine, as well as by violence in our own country with shootings and domestic abuse.  We become anxious, as we watch our economy falter, experience...

Applying God’s Truth in our Homes

In just over two weeks, our daughter, Kristen, and her fiancé, Ryan, will be joined together in marriage.  Kim and I are excited for them, as they are both committed Christians, and they desire to build their marriage on the foundation of Jesus Christ.  They hope to...