God Is With Us

How many of you have ever felt alone?  Most of us have experienced times of loneliness – sometimes even in the midst of being surrounded by other people.  People from all kinds of backgrounds have felt lonely at times.

The good news is that God IS faithful!!  He is faithful to confirm his presence, his protection, and his purpose even in times when we may feel most alone!  In Acts 18:9-11, the Lord appeared to the Apostle Paul in a vision and encouraged him, just when he needed it the most!

We read in vv. 9-10: “Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent, for I am with you, and no one will attack you to harm you, for I have many in this city who are my people.”  Does God still do that today?  He may!  But it is not as frequent as some Christians think.  God’s more usual means is to use His Word and His Spirit to give us the confirmation that we need.  He confirmed three things for Paul:

  1. The Lord confirmed his presence. “I am with you.”
  2. The Lord confirmed his protection. “No one will attack you to harm you.”
  3. The Lord confirmed his purpose. “For I have many in this city.” God is referring to His elect, chosen before the foundation of the world in Christ Jesus.

The gospel is not, “God loves you and wants you to have a happy life.”  The gospel is that you are a lost sinner, alienated from a holy God.  The only remedy for your sin is the shed blood of God’s Son, Jesus Christ.  Therefore, we must repent of our sin and trust in Jesus Christ in order to be saved from God’s judgment.  If sinners are not confronted with their sin, we are not preaching the gospel.

May we acknowledge, even in those times when we feel most alone, that God is present to us; He is protecting us; and He is confirming His purpose for us!

Outreach Opportunity

Let’s bless our police department members with a good gift to share God’s love and let them know how much we appreciate them. Our plan is to bake one dozen cookies for everyone who works for the Waynesboro Police Department – that’s 65 dozen cookies!!! This Sunday, we will have 39 of the 65 “badges” available in our lobby. Take one badge for each dozen you can bake (If you can bake more than one dozen cookies and write more than one note that would be great!) Then, on Sunday, March 28th, Palm Sunday, bring a dozen (or MORE) of your favorite homemade cookies to the church with a handwritten note letting the department know how much you appreciate them. We will take them to the department on Monday. More information is available at the church. If you will not be at church that Sunday and would still like to participate, e-mail Pastor Glen: drglenholman@gmail.com

Extra Giving

At our congregational gathering last month, we learned that leasing our building would provide a $40,000 shortfall.  We encouraged everyone to pray for our congregation and to increase your giving above and beyond your normal tithe or offering.

As was shared, the Session and Trustees have already committed to an additional $55,000 above their tithes over the next few years.  And, there is a challenge to raise $80,000!  If we reach the giving or commitment to give above that amount, there are two anonymous givers who will add $20,000 to that amount.  That would make our extra giving $100,000.
Please pray about how much you will commit as we take these next steps!
Extra commitments to our building fund are also greatly appreciated!

Worship CDs

Loretta Watkins is giving our church multiple copies of her new CD, which includes beautiful, embellished hymns and medleys.  You may pick one up at a worship service for a donation to our building fund!

Sunday Worship

Pastor Glen will continue his series on The Chosen this Sunday.  His sermon will be, “Becoming Like Children,” based on Matthew 18:1-4.  Please read this text in preparation for worship!

We will expect individuals and families to follow appropriate social distancing guidelines.  We want to be respectful of our brothers and sisters.  You will need to bring and wear protective masks while entering and moving about the building.  We will not pass an offering plate (an offering plate will be available for your tithes and offerings).   Online giving opportunities are available on the website.

Children are welcome but families must sit together.


We are pleased to offer a nursery for children through pre-school.  The nursery is in the Sunday school area, and there is a check-in area as you enter the church building.

Shenandoah Tent Revival

There will be a tent revival at Waynesboro Constitution Park every evening from Friday, March 26th through Easter Day, April 4th!  The revival is from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. each evening.  There will be great Gospel preaching and testimonies, as well as worship each evening!  Please come and invite a friend . . . and PLEASE PRAY for God to show up in mighty ways!!

Easter Day

Our congregation will host a Resurrection Day Sonrise worship service at 6:30 a.m. on April 4th under the Revival Tent.  This would be a great time to bring a friend!!

Our regular Resurrection Day Service will be at 9:30 a.m. at our facility!  Please also invite neighbors and friends to this exciting worship service!!

The Chosen Bible Study

We are excited to be offering an 8-week Small Group Bible Study series based on the popular DVD series, The Chosen.  The small groups began this past Wednesday, and we are excited that our goal of 40 participants was exceeded!!  We have over 50 people participating!!  Small groups either meet virtually through Zoom meetings or in person (at the church OR in someone’s home), depending on what works best for each participant.  Pastor Glen will be basing his messages each Sunday on the series.  Please check out the information on our website and SIGN-UP!!!

Our New Address

Please send any snail-mail correspondence to our new address: 2910 West Main Street, Waynesboro, VA 22980.  We no longer have a Post Office Box.

March Birthdays

Esther Danraj (3/18); Debby Ray (3/31)