Abiding in Jesus Christ

Jesus calls us to abide in Him in John 15.  But what does it mean practically to abide in Jesus?  I would suggest two principles that show us the meaning of abiding in Jesus Christ.

First, abiding in Jesus Christ means we have a relationship with Him.  The picture Jesus uses in John 15 is that of a branch that is engrafted into a vine.  So, at the moment we trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior we are, as it were, engrafted into Him.  The Holy Spirit (the third Person in the Trinity) takes up residence in our lives.   And, as we submit to the control of the Holy Spirit in our lives, He produces fruit in and through us.

The second principle is that, as in any relationship, to break through to abiding in Jesus Christ we are called to deepen the quality of our time with God.  We must take it to an all-day attentiveness to His presence.  We must practice the presence of God in our lives 24/7!

Brother Lawrence, a seventeenth century lay Christian, who worked in a monastery kitchen described his practice of abiding in Christ like this: “I do nothing else but abide in his holy presence, and I do this by simple attentiveness and a habitual, loving turning of my eyes on Him.  This I call . . . a wordless and secret conversation between the soul and God which no longer ends.”

Friends, it is my prayer that as we make our way through this Lenten season, we will become more aware of God’s holy presence each day and that we will habitually and lovingly turn our eyes on Him!

Outreach Opportunity

Let’s bless our police department members with a good gift to share God’s love and let them know how much we appreciate them. Our plan is to bake one dozen cookies for everyone who works for the Waynesboro Police Department – that’s 65 dozen cookies!!! This Sunday, we will have 65 “badges” available in our lobby. Take one badge for each dozen you can bake. Then, on Sunday, March 28th, Palm Sunday, bring a dozen of your favorite homemade cookies to the church with a handwritten note letting the department know how much you appreciate them. We will take them to the department on Monday. More information is available at the church. If you will not be at church that Sunday and would still like to participate, e-mail Pastor Glen: drglenholman@gmail.com

Sunday Worship

Pastor Glen will continue his series on The Chosen this Sunday.  His sermon will be, “Discovering Shabbat,” based on Matthew 11:28-30.  Please read this text in preparation for worship!

We will expect individuals and families to follow appropriate social distancing guidelines.  We want to be respectful of our brothers and sisters.  You will need to bring and wear protective masks while entering and moving about the building.  We will not pass an offering plate (an offering plate will be available for your tithes and offerings).   Online giving opportunities are available on the website.

Children are welcome but families must sit together.

Daylight Savings Time

PLEASE REMEMBER that Daylight Savings Time begins THIS SUNDAY (March 14th) morning at 2:00 a.m.  So, set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed – “Spring Ahead!”


We are pleased to offer a nursery for children through pre-school.  The nursery is in the Sunday school area, and there is a check-in area as you enter the church building.

The Chosen Bible Study

We are excited to be offering an 8-week Small Group Bible Study series based on the popular DVD series, The Chosen.  The small groups began this past Wednesday, and we are excited that our goal of 40 participants was exceeded!!  We have over 50 people participating!!  Small groups either meet virtually through Zoom meetings or in person (at the church OR in someone’s home), depending on what works best for each participant.  Pastor Glen will be basing his messages each Sunday on the series.  Please check out the information on our website and SIGN-UP!!!

March Birthdays

Alice Reider (3/13); Ruby Lucas (3/16 – FIRST BIRTHDAY!); Esther Danraj (3/18); Debby Ray (3/31)