Gaining Weight

Did any of you gain weight during the holidays?  I have good news for you . . . Jesus tells his disciples to GAIN WEIGHT!  Finally, God is telling us something we want to hear!  Actually, what he says is glorify God.  We read in John 15:8, “By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.”  Glory (the root word for glorify) in essence means weight.

We read in Proverbs 17:6: “. . . and the glory of children is their fathers.”  We are to give weight to our children.  We are to weigh them down.  We are to pour into them our time, and energy, and explanations about what gives them purpose.  So that when the winds of life blow them around, they will not be moved because they have been weighed down.  Our job is to weigh down our children; it is God’s job to give us his glory – to weigh us down.  So, put on the weight of God.  By getting to know everything you can about Him.

We read in Psalm 1:1-2, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.”  So, what is the psalmist up to here?  He is weighing himself down with God (with the One who made him) and with God’s law.  Friends, if you want to know yourself, it is not in isolation but in weighing yourself down with God.  So, let’s go on a weight gain program!!  Doesn’t that sound like FUN?


THIS SUNDAY we will meet once again at 2910 West Main Street for our worship service at 9:30 a.m. We will Live Stream the service on Facebook and our website.

Pastor Glen’s sermon will be “Growing in God’s Grace,” based upon John 13:1-11.  Please read this text in preparation for worship!

We will expect individuals and families to follow appropriate social distancing guidelines.  We want to be respectful of our brothers and sisters.  You will need to bring and wear protective masks while entering and moving about the building.  We will not pass an offering plate (an offering plate will be available for your tithes and offerings).   Online giving opportunities are available on the website.

Children are welcome but families must sit together.


Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be held immediately after worship THIS Sunday, January 17th.  We will hear updates regarding our congregation.  We will approve the Purchase Agreement for the building, and we will approve the terms of call for the pastor.  Please make plans to attend!


We will once again participate in ComfortCare Women’s Health Baby Bottle Campaign, in order to raise support for their life-saving services and ministry with women.  ComfortCare is a ministry that specializes in the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of unplanned pregnancy.

We will begin distributing baby bottles this Sunday (and on subsequent Sundays) for you to save your change in the baby bottles.  We will collect the baby bottles on February 28, 2021.


We are having a move day on Saturday, January 23rd beginning at 9:00 a.m.  We will be moving items from Hope Downtown to our new location.  Any help, including trucks, is appreciated!!


JANUARY BIRTHDAYS: Candi Brown (1/22); Mary Jane Trimble (1/24); Janet Coiner (1/27); Linda Ritchie (1/30); Dan Woodworth (1/31)