Grace in Place of Grace

We have just celebrated Christmas, a season of remembering the Incarnation!  When the Word became flesh, Christ (the eternal Logos, as we read in John 1) came to earth as a man.  Jesus did not just appear like a man; he became one.  Humanity was added to his deity.  Christ did not stop being fully God, but He literally “took to himself” flesh (which means human nature – but without sinfulness or weakness).  That Jesus lived among us recalls God dwelling with Israel in the Old Testament within the Tabernacle.

We read in John 1:16, “For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.”  We discover in this verse that the Word becoming flesh is the source of grace (charis) – which is the sum total of all the spiritual blessings God gives to people.

Do you want to experience the sum total of spiritual blessings in your life in 2021?  As Christians, we have already received one blessing after another.  We read in the Greek text in John 1:16, charin anti charitos, which literally means “grace in place of grace.”  This grace continues to come to Christians, just like waves continue to come to the shore.

When we go to the beach, we see waves continuously coming to shore.  It gives us a picture of an ongoing process.  It is this same kind of ongoing process that we recall God continuing to shed His grace upon us as believers.

A well-known painting of the Vietnam Wall depicts a young widow and her daughter standing at the wall, reaching up and touching the name of the husband and father who died.  The reflection in the polished granite is NOT of the mother and daughter but of the husband and father reaching out his hand to touch theirs.

Our Lord continues reach out His hand to touch ours!  He continues to shower us with His grace.  In spite of all the challenges we have experienced this last year, 2021 can be a grace-filled year, as we become aware of what God has already done for us in sending Jesus into our world to offer us forgiveness of our sins and the gift of eternal life.


THIS SUNDAY is the Second Sunday after Christmas.  We will meet once again at 2910 West Main Street for our worship service at 9:30 a.m. We will Live Stream the service on Facebook and our website.

Pastor Glen’s sermon will be “Beautiful Feet for 2021,” based upon Romans 10:9-17.  Please read this text in preparation for worship!

We will also celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.  We encourage you to examine yourself before receiving the Sacrament per 1 Corinthians 11:27-32.  

We will expect individuals and families to follow appropriate social distancing guidelines. We want to be respectful of our brothers and sisters.  You will need to bring and wear protective masks while entering and moving about the building.  We will not pass an offering plate (an offering plate will be available for your tithes and offerings).   Online giving opportunities are available on the website.

Children are welcome but families must sit together.


If you are interested in growing in your faith, please contact Pastor Glen or Mike Adams about joining a Discipleship Triad or Quartet. These groups provide an opportunity for you to grow exponentially in your faith through intimate, accountable relationships centered on the essentials of God’s Word! PLEASE consider reaching out to participate in this type of group. During COVID-19, these groups could be held virtually.


JANUARY BIRTHDAYS: Alan Morrison (1/2); Sam Lucas (1/6); Cheryl Reynolds (1/7); Stephen Wright (1/14); Candi Brown (1/22); Mary Jane Trimble (1/24); Janet Coiner (1/27); Linda Ritchie (1/30); Dan Woodworth (1/31)