Stepping Out in Faith

Pastor Glen’s Blog

As you examine your life, would you say with confidence that you are a person of faith?  I don’t mean are you a member of a church.  But, do you genuinely trust the Lord in spite of the challenges which come with such faith?  God uses people who are willing to trust Him fully!

We need to be people of faith.  Courage does not mean that we are not afraid.  It means moving ahead in spite of our fears; it means facing our fears.  Another word for courage is FAITH.  Mary, the mother of Jesus, had questions and doubts.  Mary asked the angel in Luke 1:34, “How will this be, since I am a virgin.”  The angel goes on in verse 37, “For nothing is impossible with God.”  Too often, we tend to like to play it safe.  But, instead of panicking about the unknown, Mary praised God and worshiped Him. She stepped out in faith, trusting God in the midst of all the uncertainties of her life.

Think about this . . . if God can take a poor, uneducated, peasant girl and make her the mother of God, don’t you think that God can do something with your life, as well?  What can God do with our congregation if we step out on faith, realizing that nothing is impossible with God?

It is my prayer that as we have stepped out in faith to begin the purchase of a new facility, God will honor our trust, and we will do “far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20).

Sunday Worship

THIS SUNDAY is the THIRD Sunday in Advent.  We will meet at 2910 West Main Street for worship service at 9:30 a.m. We will Live Stream the service on Facebook and our Website.

Pastor Glen will continue the Advent series entitled, “A Time to . . .” This Sunday’s sermon is “A Time to Party,” based upon Luke 15:20-32. Please read this text in preparation for worship!

We will expect individuals and families to follow appropriate social distancing guidelines. We want to be respectful of our brothers and sisters.

  • You will need to bring and wear protective masks while entering and moving about the building.

  • We will not pass an offering plate (a basket will be available for your tithes and offerings).   Online giving opportunities are available on the website.

  • Children are welcome but families must sit together. There will be no children’s classes.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will be at 5:00 p.m. at 2910 West Main Street.

Discipleship Essentials

If you are interested in growing in your faith (which is part of our church vision!), please contact Pastor Glen or Mike Adams about joining a Discipleship Triad or Quartet. These groups provide an opportunity for you to grow exponentially in your faith through intimate, accountable relationships centered on the essentials of God’s Word! PLEASE consider reaching out to participate in this type of group. During COVID-19, these groups could be held virtually.

Keep Alert

Mike Adams reminds us to be alert for needs around us as the Body of Christ in this new season we are entering. This is a great evangelistic opportunity to share the gospel, meet needs, and bring hope.

Birthdays This Month

DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS: Gail Fisher (December 14th); Ron Layne (December 18th); Kate King (December 21st); Cliff Scott (December 28th)