God With Us

We read in John 1:12-13, “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.”

And, then we read those wonderful words in v 14, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”  Jesus, the logos, entered into a new dimension of existence through the gateway of human birth and took up his residence among people.

When Jesus was born as a baby in a cattle trough (manger) at Bethlehem, he had always existed as the Son of God with the Father in heaven, but now chose to come into the world in a human body.  God came to this earth and lived here as a human being.  The word “dwelt” (skeno) literally means “to take up residence” or “to pitch a tent.”  His body was the tent in which He lived among people for thirty-three years.

So, what difference should all this mean to us?  To understand the true meaning of Christmas, we need to see the baby as John describes Him – existing from the very beginning; the creator and author of life; “God with us” in the flesh.  The One who came from the throne of heaven resided in Mary’s womb until the right time to enter our world.  During this Holy Season, may we worship Emmanuel – God with Us – our Lord Jesus Christ!!


Pastor Glen’s sermon this Sunday, which is the First Sunday of Advent, is entitled “Are You Ready?” based on Isaiah 40:3-6.  Please read this text in preparation for worship.

We will celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper this Sunday.  We encourage you to examine yourself before receiving the Sacrament per 1 Corinthians 11:27-32.

Adult Sunday School 

Our Adult Sunday school class will meet this Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the large Sunday school room.  Please join Janet Coiner and others for a wonderful time around God’s Word!!  We will continue our study of the Acts of the Apostles.  This Sunday we will focus on Acts 6: Early Church Division Prevented and Arrest of Stephen!!  Please bring your Bible.


Since our parking lot on Sundays is becoming fuller (which is a wonderful problem!!!), we encourage members and friends who are able to park in the lots to the west of the church facility.  There is a path with pavers to walk around the building to the main entrance.

Christmas Parade Outreach

You are invited to participate in the Waynesboro Christmas Parade THIS SATURDAY (December 2nd) at 6:00 p.m. by giving out testaments, including information about the Gospel.  We will hand them out along with business cards, inviting people to our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, which will be held at 5:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve!  If you are interested in helping, please meet at the church parking lot at 5:00 p.m., and we can carpool downtown.  

We are very grateful to our Women’s Ministry.  They gift-wrapped testaments along with business cards in gift bags to share with friends and neighbors!!  So, you can share the invitation with friends and neighbors and/or give out the testaments at the Christmas Parade!! You may pick up the gift bags in the welcome center!  If you are interested or have questions about this neat outreach, please contact Pastor Glen!

Tithes and Offerings

An offering box is available when you enter or exit the sanctuary.  Additionally, Online Giving


October Financial Report

Tithes/Offerings: Monthly: $20,413.00.           YTD: $180,481.29

Expenses: Monthly: $12,516.82                       YTD: $168,823.60

Capital Campaign: $575.00                              YTD: $43,058.59

Church Sign Donations: Monthly: $0                YTD: $2,800.00

Are You Receiving Church Emails

If you or someone you know would like to receive periodic emails, including This Week @ Hope and the weekly Prayer Requests and Praise Reports, please provide your first and last name, as well as your email address.  You may give this information to one of our elders: Albert Danraj, Marty Porter, Bob Simmons, or Tim Stewart.  Thank you so much!

New AED Device

Our Session recently arranged for the purchase of an “AED” (Automated External Defibrillator) for placement in our building for emergency cardiac events.  There are a few folks already trained in AED use along with CPR and Basic First Aid, but we would like to solicit others interested in learning and becoming members of our Medical Response Team.  The training is expected to be without cost but class size will be limited.  Interested?  Please let Richard Ammons know, in person or via ChurchTrac directory contact information.  If you wish to help pay for the AED, please make checks payable to Hope Community Church (Memo: For AED).

Golden Oldies

December – No meeting of the Golden Oldies – enjoy time with Church and Family!

Prayer Concerns and Praise Reports

If you have any concerns you would like to add to the Prayer Concerns and Praise Reports list or give an update, PLEASE call Tim Stewart (865) 386-6234 by Thursday at 10:00 a.m. since Janet Coiner, our prayer coordinator will not be available next week.  Thanks so much!!

Driver Assistance

If you or someone in our congregation needs a ride to a doctor’s appointment or other appointments, please call Tom Reider (540.649.5162).  He has agreed to coordinate rides.  He has a list of those who have volunteered to give those rides.  We are grateful for this important ministry!!

Mission Corner

Candi Brown shares her gratitude to all our folks who have donated various items to support families through Love INC!  Beginning in October through December we will be collecting household cleaning products, including bathroom cleaners, all-purpose cleaners, sanitizing surface wipes, hand soap, and bar soap.  We are grateful for our partnership with Love INC!

Missions Team is active keeping in touch with our missionaries and other ministries.  Please keep updated!  You can visit our website and go to the  Outreach page

December Birthdays

John Severs (12/1); Don Land (12/3); Melissa Bare (12/6); Gail Fisher (12/14); Ron Layne (12/18); Terran Williams (12/25); Cliff Scott (12/28)