When Jesus was about to be ushered into our world, an angel cried out, “Behold I bring you good news of GREAT JOY!”  The prophet Isaiah exclaims in Isaiah 40:31, “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagle’s.”  God desires to renew your life like the eagle’s and give you JOY!!

And because he desires to bring about that kind of radical change in our lives, we ought to be joyful!  We ought to celebrate that God is going to bring about restoration.  Everything is going to work out.

Peter writes his first letter at a time (between 65 to 70 AD) when the early Church was just beginning to go through significant persecution.  The Christians were certainly inconvenienced up to this time (business dealings, social settings, etc.), but Peter is sensing the beginnings of widespread persecution among Christians.  Many Christians will be tortured, and killed; Peter himself was about to be crucified upside-down.  Peter sees this persecution coming on the horizon, and so he writes this letter to encourage the believers.  This letter is brimming with a positive spirit – with JOY and hope.  No matter what happens, Peter is encouraging the early Christians to build JOY into their days.

We are beginning the study of another letter over the next few months, but it is the letter to Apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippians.  It is a letter beaming with JOY!  May we be a people of JOY as we live in a time when Christians are again being persecuted for their faith.     


Pastor Glen is beginning a new sermon series on Paul’s letter to the Philippians.  His sermon this Sunday is: “The Foundation of Joy,” based upon Philippians 1:1-2.  Please read this text before worship.

We will celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper this Sunday.  We encourage you to examine yourself before receiving the Sacrament per 1 Corinthians 11:27-32.

Adult Sunday School 

Our Adult Sunday school class will meet this Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the large Sunday school room.  Please join Janet Coiner and others for a wonderful time around God’s Word!!  We will continue our study of the Gospel of John.  This Sunday we will study John 14: The Way, the Truth, and the Life!!  Please bring your Bible!

Called Congregational Meeting

The Session has called a congregational meeting immediately after worship THIS Sunday (September 3rd) for the purpose of adjusting Pastor Glen’s Terms of Call, electing a Pastor Search Committee, and sharing some updates about our ministry!  Please plan to attend!!


Tithes and Offerings

An offering box is available when you enter or exit the sanctuary.  Additionally, online giving opportunities are available on the website.


July Financial Report

Tithes/Offerings: Monthly: $32,275.25           YTD: $131,416.29

Expenses: Monthly: $16,303.57                        YTD: $119,947.94

Capital Campaign: $1,080.00                            YTD: $6,653.00

Designated Giving: $0.                                        YTD: $3,225.00

Church Sign Donations: Monthly: $0.             YTD: $2,700.00

Annual Worship Service and Church Picnic

Please mark your calendars now for our annual ALL CHURCH worship service and picnic on Sunday, September 10th at the Lake Forest Lodge (near Sherando Lake).  Written directions to the Lodge will be available in the welcome center.  Chicken and beverages will be provided.  Feel free to bring a lawn chair although church chairs will be there.  We will have corn hole boards and bocce ball.  There is great fishing if you want to bring your own pole, tackle, and bait. There is a 4×4 to ride and great hiking opportunities.  Dress comfortably.  Sunday school will be held in the sanctuary at the church facility at 9:30 with worship at the lodge at 11:00.

Exploring Hope Class

Come to our next Exploring Hope Class!  Exploring Hope is a gathering designed to communicate a brief overview of what is important to us here at Hope, including our history, what we believe, our values, our focus, our direction, and how to get connected.  Our next Exploring Hope Class will be on Sunday, September 17th, after worship.  The two-hour class will include lunch in our main Sunday school room.  If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Pastor Glen if you plan to attend!

Prayer Concerns and Praise Reports

If you have any concerns you would like to add to the Prayer Concerns and Praise Reports list or give an update, PLEASE contact our prayer coordinator, Janet Coiner (540.447.0918) by THURSDAY at 10:30 a.m.!!  Thanks so much!!

Driver Assistance

If you or someone in our congregation needs a ride to a doctor’s appointment or other appointments, please call Tom Reider (540.649.5162).  He has agreed to coordinate rides.  He has a list of those who have volunteered to give those rides.  We are grateful for this important ministry!!

Mission Corner

We will be serving a meal for Love INC on September 12th.  Mark your calendars now to help with this wonderful opportunity to serve those individuals and families wanting to turn their lives around!  Please sign up to serve or provide cookies or financial support at the Table in the Welcome Center!

We continue to collect “Hope Blessings” donations every three months for Love INC.  From July 1 to September 30, we are collecting various paper products: paper towels, tissues, napkins, and toilet paper.  May we be a blessing to those families in need!  We are grateful for our partnership with Love INC!

Missions Team is active keeping in touch with our missionaries and other ministries.  Please keep updated!  You can visit our website and go to the Outreach page

August Birthdays 

Arnie Doyle (9/4); Harold Coiner & Desiree Graham (9/6); Kristen Holman (9/11); Pat Layne (9/13); Russell Fisher (9/14); Kerry Keyes (9/16); Christopher Haynes (9/24); Dede Hamilton and Marge Sass (9/26)